All posts by FirstKnight

Once Upon a Red Moon – 2

Disclaimer: the disclaimer is already stated in the prologue, so please read the disclaimer on the prologue before you start reading this chapter, if you have not yet. Thank you.



Blue Enigma

I ran. I ran, my face twisting into a look of sheer horror. I looked back— the man was still there. His face shown vaguely due to the darkness. I continued to run without thinking, fear dominating my mind. I looked back once more. The silhouette pulled out a weapon. A few seconds later, it occurred to me, crashing down like a tsunami. He was holding a gun. He aimed at me, and pulled the trigger… read more

Once Upon a Red Moon – 1

Disclaimer: the disclaimer is already stated in the prologue, so please read both the prologue and the disclaimer before you start reading this chapter. Thank you.



A Place to Call Home

I have no friends now. Worst of all, I have nobody to talk to anymore. Every person I know hates me. They think I lied. They think I lied about my talent, my abilities. They assume I was born to be a killer, to be a gun wielder, and murder. I wanted to prove they were wrong. I wanted to show them I’m benevolent. read more

Once Upon a Red Moon – Prologue

Disclaimer : I, or any of my colleagues claim the right to MapleStory, for it is the property of Nexon, Wizet, Asiasoft etc. The guns used in this story belongs to their rightful companies. Some of the characters in this story are not created by me, but instead by my co-writers and betas, who are mentioned in the next line. I do not claim ownership of these characters. This story is a mere fan tribute, and is not to be recreated for the likes of profit, or without the consent of myself (Glacier123 (MS)), Heiji (MMOTales, Hjiscool (MS), Eien Kaosu ( ), and BloodyHanyou (MS, AngelDevilHanyou ( ). read more

Glacier’s Latest Events

Helloooooo MMOTales!! Glac/FirstKnight here! I still bet some people forgot me or do not know me, but oh well. Ready for another blog, guys? Here we go!

Anyways, where to start, where to start… Oh! Well, things have been going good on MapleStory; I got to level 103, I met Emily (STARRYxLOVE), etc. (Emily is my online girlfriend; she lives near me in real life (which I didn’t know), so maybe we are going to meet in real life!) She’s a really great person, and I was really lucky to meet her and to be her in-game boyfriend. So, I think things are awesome. Through Emily, I met great people such as Richard (aznphohir3), Diana (an1m3hott13), Thanh (DizLilVi3t) and Bryan (Searcher74). But I had to erase some of my old pals, which was kind of bad. But, they never talked to me anyways. read more

GM Event? WHERE?

Hey all! Long time since I wrote an actual experience on MapleStory. Well anyways, let’s get started!

Today, I logged on on Broa. The usual “Hi [insert IGN’s of all my friends who are online here]~” was stated by me. As expected, only two or three replied. On both Buddy List and Guild. I kind of feel lonely if they don’t reply back. But, no matter. read more

Impending Ambitions – V


“On to the next assignment!”
Spiruna was leered; she showed enthusiastic in her voice, too.
“This is my favorite. You four will battle each other!”
All four of us were surprised; we never thought of the idea of fighting each other.
“Come on! Be happy. It would be fun for me to observe, fun for you all to battle against each other. You’ll learn a lot, too.”
I shrugged. “Guess we don’t have an option whether to participate in this activity or not, right?”Spiruna still showed her unpleasant smile. “Yes, you must do this assignment. Else, you will continue your boring training like you used to, for 6 months!”
“I’d rather join this fight than stay here for 6 stinking months! I’m game,” I said, instantaneously. The others agreed too; I guess they didn’t want to stay here for 6 months, too. read more

Impending Ambitions – I


I felt the vessel shake a little. I looked out the window, and I started in amazement. I saw old statues and clouds, and a gigantic building. If I read it correct, it said “Guild Hall”. I wonder what it’s for.

The ship landed, and I went to the others’ rooms. I met them, and we headed to the exit. I was excited to see what was in this town. read more

Retz, Rice and Cheeses

Hi all! FirstKnight writing his MMO experience!

Okay, so today I decided to do all the quests in Korean Folk Town. Yes, all. All as in everything. You get the picture.

This one quest was really annoying. It was the last one. It’s called “Mr. Shim’s Request”. All you have to do is collect 300 rice from retz, and that’s it. You’re done. read more

Impending Ambitions – Prologue

Before we start the story, I’ll tell a quick summary on the previous story.

This story takes place in the future. The world is heavily populated by the undead, and this is the story of four teenagers trying to rid the world from the undead legion. They use an accessory called the “Divine Persecution” to repel the undead force.

Previously, the main characters go into the town of Sleepywood. They adventure through the dark caves of this ghost town, and finds mysterious allies and enemies. read more

The Worlds Beyond ~4

((The Attack of the Winged Beasts))

-Orbis shipride Day 2-

I couldn’t sleep last night.

What Grandpa told me about the beasts, I could not stop thinking about it. What if they really come? What if they destroy the ship? The question “what if” ran through my mind almost all night.

When I woke up from bed, I saw Grandpa writing something. I asked him with curiosity, “Good morning Grandpa. What are you doing?” read more