It seriuosly inteferes with my fun time. I have about 3 hours of homework tonight, there needs to be some law on how much homework can be assingned. And now, because my medicore homework grades, a got a C in science and I’m not allowed to a. play video games b. use the computer except for schoolwork and c. have fun on weekdays. Are any of your parents this strict? I mean I got a fricking 84.4, .1 points higher and I would’ve got a B. Sometimes my parents really piss me off. And on top of all that they get mad at me for mapling 5 hours straight on weekends. When else can I maple? I swear, if this facism continues I’m gonna get so stressed out I’m gonna take a page from the Ninja’s book and flip out and kill everthing moving in a 5 mile radius. But for now, the kill switch is off. Anyways, my break time is over, and if I don’t finish this homework I will be flayed with poision tipped whips.