[Added some Maple-Related happenings!]
Yep, I’m new ! ^__^ This is my first tme blogging in MMOTales.(obviously, because this is my first blog) I’vebeen lurking around for a while, getting accustomed to the unspoken rules (i.e It is best to use proper english) and.. stuff!
I have a low-level Assasin-to-be in Scania,who is levelling up at the rate of a Level 100 training a Green Snails. Needless to say,I’ll probably reach Second Job by..the end of the year, I guess. I couldn’t take any screenshots for you, as the button couldn’t work, and I could not find my spare keyboard. D:
Annikabelle intoduced me [read FORCED!] to this website, because I was moaning in Buddy Chat about how bored I was. I met while she was exploding in craziness at HHG1, screaming that she loved Oranges. -___-