All posts by Fenrir

Song spoof! XD

Original- Bad Day by Daniel Powter.

Spoof- Hacker’s Ban by Fenrir

Where is the event we needed the most?
You cast up a spell and the MP is lost
They tell me your blue bar’s fade to grey
They tell me your ex-p’ gone away
And I don’t need to fight it on

You stand in the ledge just to hit a new blow
You’re faking a smile with the hacker to go
You tell me your bar’s been way off line
You’re falling to 0(ZERO) everytime
And I don’t need to fight it on read more

The Warrior

I am finally in the mood, so here we go!

Chapter. . .Err. . .5?

Gee, I don’t use chapters anymore.

Rock’in the plains.

Ninja and his renowned guild barged through the north gate. Now, the monsters were outnumbered, although by a small margin. Ninja and his acquaintances drew their daggers, equipped their claws, loaded shuriken stars into them.
The Ninja summoned up two Avengers, one in each hand. He slashed one drake into oblivion, then another, and another. . . It was clear that the Ninja’s powers were unmatched. read more

And I still haven’t-

Thought up of a name for this story.

Gah, just read this piece of badly written paragraphs.

The Warrior

His sword sliced through the Tauro’s body, the bull-human didn’t have time to react. Blood spilled, staining the once clean grounds of the town square. Fenrir’s left cheek was now pure white. The humans were motivated by that spectacular kill. Psychologically charged, the human defenders raged on, killing any monsters that stood in their way. The artillery men were now off their turrets and joining the fight, fearing that the Steelies would harm one of the human defenders. read more

Guess I’ll have to thank,

Sycrus! For giving me an idea!

The Warrior

Everyone braced for the worst to happen. Then, BOOOOM, the pixie magic fell through the roofs of houses and detonated, some of it hit the ground and exploded, creating 2-foot wide craters everywhere. Fortunately, few were injured by the pixie attack. Just when the army of warriors were recovering…

CRASH, a sound resonated from the gates. CRASH, another one, then……BOOOOM!!!! The gates fell and all hell broke loose on Henesys. read more

RuneScape Christmas quest skit.

Its Christmas celebrations at RuneScape!

But the EEEVVVVIIILLLLL gumplinchs kidnapped children to keep them warm!


Now poor old Fenrir has to give up his Christmas break and go on an Interview mission.

Why did the Gumplinchs kidnap the children?

Read on to find out!

*cheesy tv show music*

RuneScape Christmas Quest skit by Fenrir!

Fenrir- “Damn you, *bleep* director. There goes my hot chocolate and presents.” read more

When I have too much imagination,

I make crappy *bleep* like this.

Really, really, really harsh comments and tips appreciated.

The warrior

…The fat recruiter jolted out of his daydreams.

“Hey kid. Don’t you go messin’ up people’s tabl’s know’?”

He was obviously drunk.

His breath was smelled like rotten cabbages mixed in chewed up vomit and ale. read more

Monster Interviews: Shanty claws.

(Due to the last few blogs being extremely crappy, I am now attempting to get my style of writing back cos’ I was a little sad at that time and I lost my mojo for writing.)

Producer- “Well, get it back then! Or I won’t get my pay! You know what I will become when I have no pay…”

Fenrir- “Gah. Shut up and produce this *bleep* *bleep* of a show.” read more

A story. Prologue maybe?

Too much imagination causes insomnia and dumb stories like this.

And I still remember the flop of my old story; Eliminate.

Gah. Just read.

A warrior’s blade

The warrior sharpened his sword like he used to every battle.

Shing! Shing!

The sound of the blade touching the stone was sickening.

Somewhere in the distance, a bell rang.

The warrior looked up from his work and thought, read more


SO this is what MMOTales looks like at 7.30pm +8 GMT.

seems empty.


after I sifted through my debris of blogs in my MMOID, I went to the last blog I made before i went for vacation.

I saw the comments and what did I see?

Imppala with his goodbye blog.

Missed it.


Well, I shall take this opportunity to say good bye to him although he may be in a rock hard bed chewing on hard tack. read more