All posts by Ezyan


Why was the uber awesome Khaini RP thread deleted?! I mean, sure, one person defied the rules. But that was just one person! The rest of us were law abiding citizens, writing whacko stories, but law abiding nonetheless. You probably noticed that ALL of us didn’t agree with the person who wrote the porn (if not, you should have scrolled down the rest of page 11, page 12 and Aliyah’s PM to you, Captain). read more

First day of school + Maths test = BAD

Okay, I know the following isn’t Maple related at all. If all you’re going to do is flame me about it, then don’t read it. I just needed somewhere to pour out my feelings since I’m feeling angry with myself, and I don’t use a diary.

I feel really bad. Seriously. Today was the first day of school after three weeks of holidays, and I ask you, what sane school has a maths test second period on the first day of term four? Really. Anyway, I got to school early, crammed, the usual (I DID study over the holidays). Then I went in to the test after an hour and fifteen minutes of Japanese, in which I was stressing out lots. read more

How NOT to get a Maple boyfriend

Recently, I saw a couple of blogs with lame pickup lines for guys to use on girls that had been frontpaged. For all those who oppose having a pixelated character as a boyfriend, please continue reading. For all those who LIKE having pixelated boyfriends, please press the back button now and continue…doing what you do.

I got given a book (an excellent book) a little while ago as a birthday present. Guess what it contained? Yup, one page and a bit dedicated to female comebacks against the stupid pickup lines that guys like to use. I thought, hey, it’s a little unfair that guys are getting tips on how to harrass women that can’t actually hit them back (as they can in real life) for suggesting such a thing, and that a little payback might be in order. These can even be used to ward off unwanted attentions if you’re already taken. So I’m going to share with you what I read… read more

Random Defamers

I was in Henesys once, and I wasn’t really paying attention to the game because I was healing the slow way, around 40hp by 40hp. All of a sudden, I realised that new text had come up:

“‘SonOfDoom’ has lowered ‘Ezyan’ level of fame”.

It was completely random – I don’t even know the guy. I think he was just passing by. Something that really pisses me off is when people defame other people for no reason, like now. It’s understandable if you were KSing, or speaking rubbish about other people, but…yeah. So I asked a friend of mine to come along and mass defame him with me. She told me he was in The Forest East of Henesys (I nearly typed The Forest of Mass Destruction – don’t ask me why -_-) and I chased him there, where I defamed him back. Unfortunately, my friend didn’t get to him in time, but I at least had the satisfaction of watching his fame drop by one. read more