im thinkin of making a movie in maplestory, like an actual length movie, but i got no idea what it to be about… any ideas ppl? and if its a good idea, ill add u in the movie ^_^
All posts by eNyCzReBeL
Most Thieves Are Assholes… The End…
and what i say is true… exception to those who are nice, but all others, DAMN them to hell!!! they really piss me off…. and i know its true cuz the pattern is always the same…
1) they come
2) you ask them to cc
3) they act like a dick to you
4) they ks you
5) they take the stuff
6) they cc at the end, leaving you pissed off
they act like they’re soo great and soo pro cuz they can hit madd damage and make fun of other ppl like clerics for being so weak… i was at MM and each time i CC to an empty chnnl, a sin always comes and kses me even when i ask politely to cc… this is how the typical convo went…
Recruiting Guild Members In Broa
yea title sayz it all… My Guild: WhistleAtUs is fully expanded and has guild emblem… can’t be junior unless you pay or i known you for a long time. Contact Leader: eNyCzReBeL / ArrowzPwnU… we have about 22 members right now and we want to get as famous as LadyxReborn
How Can Ppl Be So Mean?!?!?!
I was on my archer pqing in kerning and since i wasnt leader i decided to go off on the map and play a drop game with some people. Normally, my computer wud be fast so when i dropped an item, id pick it back up easily but today my computer was lagging so when i dropped my Eye Of Fire and the girl picked it up. She said she’ll give it back but i started chasing her around vic island. i finally found her in the FM but soon to change channels to FM Chnl 1 and signed off. Now since im guild leader, i made notice to my guildies and all my friends that if they see her, to MASS DEFAME and REPORT… but as for now… i gotta find a way to get another Eye Of Fire… btw i only have a lvl 51 cleric and a lvl 31 Xbowman, so its gunna be extremely hard for me to get another one.. So if you had this same problem, and you’re in broa, plz defame and report VilentKatana, shes a lvl 37 sin…