Okay so I was reading comments from my last blog and ill promise for now on that I wont make typers on beginner and make them so short didnt know that sorry >.< well anyways here I go.
Today wasnt so bad after reaching lvl 10. Im having fun with my pet balrog and pqing at heneysys but what bothers me is people calling me the βNβ Word o.o lol Im not black its just the color I chose when i made the character Originally im Asian/Filipino but It just kinda bothers me when people call me it when im training like one guy told me to get out of βhisβ so called map which he think he claimed but I didnt bother saying anything back cause I was doing some hardcore training . so he said he reported me for harrasment and called me the βNβ word and left. Now I know how Black people feel when they are being called this word the Wrong way. : But other than that today was fun inside the Maplestory World.