i have been wonderign who is ur idol/friend who u would love to be like and has been the nicest to u?
Well for me it would have to be LionzHart he was alwasy there for me he gave me a set of tobis and even trained with me whenever i needed him he was always there well now whos ur idol/firned???
All posts by dragonfang
My Maple Day……
I started off my day barly awake, (lolz) i was randomly killin stuff because i was sooo bored of lvling ,One of my bst friend then called me Kittyxattack and we started hunting wraths together and i found a red whip! =o (crowd claps) i started fooling around with kitty after that and before i was able to head back i got a call from my other great friend Kaitoulunar,She was pleding me to go kill the mm with her and acouple of guild friends so i agree’d, i grab’d my pots and sped off to hunt the mm once i got there i was kindly greeted by all the people. (very kind they where ^____^)about 20minutes later a lvl 5x spearman comes in randomly from her guild, so i thought why do they need me when they got sumone like him so i backed out of the party and crawl’d back to henseys.
Then my friend xHPxPURITYx started shouting MM SPAWN’D MM SPAWN’D and i reply’d i dont care they got the spearman to take care of that,and then kai start’d chatting to me about y did i leave (I HATE WARRIORS SO MUCH T_T) and i said because u got the spearman u dotn need me,and then we go into a fight how i thought warriros were the ownign of all classes and she thought mages r stronger,She then log’d off maple and i have been feeling bad and guilty ever since that happened.
So if u got any comments post
Have U Ever Thought?
Currently people have been complaining alot about gm’s not helping much but the fact is HAVE U EVER THOUGHT what maple story would be like without gms? i mean think about it no gm events ALOT more hackers maple story would be a hell of a mess and it wouldent be a game anymore it would be hell.Do u have any thoughts on this? is this keeping u thinking at night? or maybe u just wonder?? well now is the time to post what u thin here!