I added to it every few minutes or so because I was bored! ^^ This is also my first blog, after lurking in the darke corners of this MMOTales world, leeching off other’s happiness and stuff. ._.
Here’s a copy:
Darke said: “I like chicken, mainly roasted or fried since it is a feast for the mind of one like me, a male with a desire of chicken plus all its chickeny things coming with it, such as its juicy, succulent meat among other things including the fact: I am a rooster in the Chinese zodiac, however, it is only in China for in America I am a dog, only for the following reason: my birthday was before the Chinese New Year, therefore I am probably a Doster/Roostog if I am flying over a country between America/China, like Iraq, in which case I would probably be a Rodoogster, which would be weird since Rodoogster is not a word in any language, except maybe in my made up language Anselmian, which I have cleverly written an alphabet for (also memorized it): anyone can PM me for a scan of it even though my scanner’s not working so nobody can get a copy =P but seriously, my sentence start as a chickeny phrase/sentence but it has become a talk about my made-up language of Anselmian in which the only curse/swear word is Zodha, which is the equivalent of every single curse in English, Chinese, Spanish or whatever; by the way, my neck hurts since I am bending my neck down the look at the screen (I have a laptop) (its resting above my bed) I’m resting above my bed so my neck hurts- speaking of bones, I crack my knuckles a lot I even crack my knees sometimes, so I bet I wil have arthritis when I’m at the age of 30 or whatever, which will make others think I am a old 50 year old man, SPEAKING OF OLD PEOPLE my dad gave me a haircut recently; now I look like a carrot; seriously, I can’t wait until my dad finds a asian haircutting place so I don’t have to str- but moving on, OH, Moving On by The All-American Rejects is a pretty fun song to listen to if you’re playing Trickster, but again, so is Lilium- the opening song for Elfen Lied, the most goriest anime ever; but, it was a good show, the end was sad, but not as sad as the end of Bambi, even though I never saw the end; I wonder if it was any good, also, if the stupid deer died like emos do when they slit their wrists like the stupid dumb zodha_s they are; by the way, I replaced what woulda been a apostrophe in my word “zodha” with a underscore: “zhoda_s”, since apostrophes are written as underscores in Anselmian, SPEAKING OF ANSELM I got the word Anselm without consent from a guy who could draw good in the basilmarket forums/the MMOTales forums (I hope he doesn’t press charges), it really is a good name unlike Maykorlike, or Kryptunite or whatever emos drink with their dog blood, unlike me; I drink milk, soda, stuff like Sprite; Sprite is good, it doesn’t stain your teeth, it’s caffeine-free ALWAYS, et cetra, it’s clear, unlike Mountain Dew, which is green=> MURDERS your sperm since there’s Yellow 5 (source: friend); however I DO drink things like coca-cola which USED TO HAVE COCAINE but they took it out; hmmm, I wonder if Dr.Pepper used to have a old guy named Dr. Pepper in it (if they did they probably removed the old dude, I SAID PROBABLY!); just like a my good ol’ friend Jorgauson Mayfreid, who was eaten by a egg a couple hours into a hot winter day while sunbathing lying abovetop of Shaq, who was eating the egg which ate Mayfreid, because he was hungry, DUH, also later Shaq came back covered with a tire track while someone tried to do something; I don’t know the details, but Jackie Chan deflected it with his fist, also, two people died cuz of a Care Bear Stare, imagine, A CARE BEAR CAN STARE ANYPERSON TO DEATH, just like the egg who ate my ol’ friend Jorgauson; speaking of eggs, Ntreev is good, but GamenGame sucks more than emos; one of my old friends was a emo (no, not Jorgauson) after a while of those shets she slitted her arm with the words “HELP ME”, yeah, she DOES need help, she should get a therapist, just like Mayfreid, who needed to be convinced an egg was NOT, I repeat, NOT going to eat him/her so s/he would not go beserk eating Ramen noodles; well, now, I’m just going back a repeatedly editing this post so I might get the prize, in turn BEATING k0nclusion; HAH k0nclusion is getting his/her ass whupped like Jorgauson Mayfreid got her/his ass whupped by the maniac of a egg who was eaten by Shaquille O’ Neal, in other words, this sentence is a story in which only has one sentence- can anybody see a period, or a question mark, or a exclamation mark NOT in a parenethese (sp of course), or ANYTHING with the ability to kill a egg with his/her BARE TEETH just like Anselm did with his uber-cool drawings (YES, I’M DOING IT, I’M REFERRING TO EARLIER TOPICS), which were mondo-uber-coolio-dude-tastic since he did them in MS Paint; ahh, I miss the good ol’ days, when I was killin’ teddy-bears with mah good friend Zachary May Winifred Tinna Merilyn Sackaj Jarmal Senfeld, we popped a few mesos into the ol’ juke box– BUT NOT NOW; this is the new Darke, one who will play Trickster Online for about 3 more years or even less; the Darke won’t be afraid of the dark anymore; The Darke who will finish this sentence with a period- BUT, HOWEVER, since he is bored, the Darke will continue posting into this sentene a few more paragraphs-worth of words; let’s see, the WB11 is changing to the CW, which the Darke is happy about, his his real initials are CW ^^ so it’s workin out fine; Jorgauson has been reviv— OH GOD NO DON’T EAT HIM NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, darn, he was eaten by a deviled egg this time (><

oh well, at least he could stretch before his mortal soul was once again consumed by an evil, demonic egg- I named the demonic egg Damien, since it is kinduva demonish name, heh, now I will stop this sentence until I am bored once more, after a while adding to it again, ^^.”
I like chicken~