All posts by crimlight

Just had a cup of coffee at 4am >_&gt

MS is having its stupid “i cant log into ms because of firewall”(>_>)
so im gonna make a song from this song i got stuck in my head and forgot the name of it ^_^

There was once a girl from Henesys,
She got stuck in the dungeon of Sleepywoods
Then she stumbled on a mystery
Why was a hobo living in the dungeon thats old history
She walks to the place of drakes meal table
Stumbling onto a place of MapleStory
She finds out that the hobo was looking for his dog
So she brings it to him to solve the mystery =] read more

Kairi was her name

Well im a 13year old boy.This new girl comes in from class and says “Hello Im Kairi.”She look way hot yet she looks sad but sounds happy.I look into her eyes but I see happiness trying to fight over sadness yet no one else can see that.I talk to her at lunch time yet she just smiles and waves her hair.I dont wanna say something stupid like “Would you like to go to the prom thats coming up?” or “Are you sad?”
Really does that sound smart. >_>
I get shoved away from my seat because every boy in my class think shes hot and want to get a date with her.Of course Im the only one who doesnt try because im cool with everyone but im shy…I found out she moves next door to me.(I’m all WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)(just to tell ya =P)
I go ring her doorbell saying “Hi my Jason is Name(i blew it…)
She laughs and say “are you trying to say hi or ask me out?”
Im nervous and the next thing i say it “I like you”and I kiss her…
She holds me and cries.(I’m all nervous right now and i put like 1/3 of a bottle of axe on)(and she doesnt smell it…)
(mustve sweatened it off)Then i hold her hand and ask her “whats the matter?”.She says “no one has said i love you since my parents died.”
Im shocked that her parents died and she lives with your grandma(luckily she didnt see my kiss her.>_>)
The next day i see shes not in her seat.Then i found out shes not in lunch,Social Studies,nor math.Then when i go home i go sraight to her house.I ring her doorbell and no one answers then i go home.My mom makes me dinner(since i was waiting all day for Kairi to pick up the phone.)Then my mom reminds me this girl left a note.I rush to take the note tripping on my dog.Then my dog runs and trips my mom and takes the note!Then i get a fishing net and catch my dog.Then i see dog spit on the note and cant read it…
I then call her again and no answer.Then my mom comes in and tells me she remember what the note says.
She said
“Dear Jason, read more

I’m Bored So Im Gonna Make A Story.

I’m outside playing and I see this guy moving inyo Henesys.I go to greet him but when i go up to him he just nodds his head and leaves.I see hes a thief because of the dark pilfer.I pratice my aim with my bow.Then outtve no where some wizard fires a fire arrow at my bow.He challenges me to a duel so i accept.(im no wuss)
We fought near the dungeon.I shoot an arrow.He shoots a fire arrow at my arrow.He uses claw and scratches me on my chest.I try to escape but he keeps shooting at me.I huddle up in a wooden log and roll it down to the golems.He runs away when he hears people coming.I hear people coming but im surrounded by golems.If i make a noise im dead.I lost my bow and dont have time to get out of the log as the golems walk over to the log.Then stars start flying at the golems breaking them up.Then I see its my next door neightbor.He punches the log pulling me up.I feel so bad that he has to carry me home on his back…Then he says “Hi I’m Gin”and smiles.I say “Hi I’m Niwa” and jumps off him.Then we shake hands and starts a new friendship.^_^ read more

friends forever

Once I use to have marvelous friends.
A Hunter(KingArrow).
A Assassin(SinToBe).
And of course a Spearman(NiwouWarrior).
And me a Cleric(Jasonthemage).

Go Down To Hear This Sad Yet Fake Story. XD

A old man comes up to us and says hey want to do a quest for us?
Of course we four think “mhmm we could have some fun with this”.
We agreed but he warned us there will be consecquences.
We dont play attention because we’re only 10-12 years old. =P
We found ourselves in the Dark,Scary,Fasinating dungeon.
We go deeper fightin many new monsters.
But we reached a four way path.
We agree to meet up in the nearest town.
We each meet a challenge.
Niwou has to fight a Cargo that he cant stop.
Sin has to battle with a Jr. Balrog which she cant see because the candles are out.
King has to battle a sworm of stirges which he cant hit becuase they fly all around.
At but not least Jason has to battle his own battle the old man. read more

Scammers that think scrolls are 10k

Okay i was playing on my lvl 20 warrior and i found a scroll.This scammer thinks a 60% speed scroll for shoes are worth 10k.XD
I play along and i say “mmhm its 10k right?”
Him:yes its only 10k
Me:well if its 10k then how come people are selling them for 500k?
Him:people are scammers noobs only buy them
Me:oh if its so im selling it for 500k
Him:ok fine be a noob and sell it for 500k
Me:if u check on basil and hello i got 3 other strong lvl characters then u ya lvl 30 noob
Him:st*u noob sure u do
(i show him my cleric,hunter,sin)
(he shuts up and signs off)
So remember we aint noobs okay everyones a noob even the sterongest person in maplestory is a noob at something
So dont call anyone a noob because they can show up w/ a butt kicking character
Cleric:lvl 50(play on it mostly)
Hunter:lvl 37(dont pq w/ it nemore)
Sin:lvl 40(dont play on it since now i have a cleric =P)
warrior:lvl 20(yes im training it so dont scam a lvl 20 person XD) read more

A Big Problem…

Okay I kinda dont like Maplestory anymore….But my friends want me to stay…
I wanna play Trickster because I love to try new things
I told them I’d come back to Maplestory when Aqua Road comes out but i feel like I cant because Maplestory isnt working for my labtop and my computer has a virs T_T
I dont know what to do… T_T
Please help me…. read more

People that will annoy you in Broa……

Okay there are these 2 perverts…..
There SN’s are pu55ymmmmm and p3nismmmmm
They will follow girls and they have other strong characters…
So if you see them report them and try to get them banned please.
They will harrass girls and ask for s#xual things….
So remember go to any stronger places with your friends like red drakes or golem temple


There were 5 friends which use to hang out on Cavillia Island in the Village of Light.
One of them was named Tiffy(she was the beauty in the group and had a path of greatness since she was going to be accepted as a Model for “The City” and shes good with a dagger),there was Guy(he was in the path to great success to being the best swordsman in his village),there was Sora(he was the master of the gate to Darkness which he lost his parents too which he carries around the Gloves of Hipatchi<<<his fathers name),there was Ray(he had the eyes of a inventor which he gained from his dad and the face of an angel from his mom which he carries around a cross from his mother),and there was Loki(hes the village troublemaker and he causes trouble with his running shoes which people cant see him when he runs).
One day a guy comes from no where starts demanding to enter the Gate of Darkness.Sora starts pushing the guy back with his hands.The guy turns into a dark liquid looking thing and Sora burns his hands.Sora uses the Gloves of Hipachi and shoots lightning at the liquid.The guy reforms as he whips Sora with his tarred sworded hand. Sora is determined then he summons the 1st Gate animal Leo the Lion,as the lion roars him towards the sky.The guy shouts out “I will return to open the gates od Darkness and you people will know Anubis has open the gates.” Sora is quickly treated by Tiffy as she passes by the forest. A few nights have passed and no sights of the stange man. Sora looks into this guy Anubis as he asks his friends to look him up.Then on the day Sora parents were sucked into the gates the gates opens. The sirens go off and Tiffy,Guy,and Ray comes rushing to the gates. When they reach the gate they dont see Sora as they run into the gates without the adults looking.Loki tries to follow them but hes cut off by the guards. Loki then runs around them and causes a tornadoe to blow away the guards. Sora then is found lying on the floor where he looks beaten up. Tiffy reaches for a napkin and cuts some fabric off to wipe off the blood. Loki catches up to them and finds dark monsters around him. Loki carries Sora and causes a tornadoe and heads out with his friends. Then all of a sudden the guy Anubis comes up and attacks Loki. Loki drops Sora as he falls. Guy then takes his sword and whacks Anubis with it as he falls back. Ray wishes as he can do something but he cant. Then Ray’s cross lights up and grows and becomes a cross staff. Ray then points the staff at Anubis as Anubis comes up to them.Ray shoots a bolt of light at him.He flinches as the bolt hits him on his hand. Tiffy throws daggers at him as she tries to do something to protect Sora. Loki wakes up and he starts kicking dirt from the ground at Anubis.Anubis then calls all the dark monsters as he is blinded. the monsters then rushes at them at a high speed. Ray and Tiffy quickly fuses there weapons with each other. Ray shoots the bolt as Tiffy throws a dagger at the bolt and makes it explode at the monsters. Loki and Guy quickly thinks of a plan.Loki runs around in a tornadoe as Guy sticks out his sword in the tornadoe and knocks back the monsters. Then a big dark monster comes out from the bottom of them four. The monster then was going to eat them but Sora uses the gloves and punches the big monster with a fire hit.The monster falls down and drops the 4.Then Sora summons the 7 gate animals. Leo the Lion,Pisces the Fish,Miles the Fox,Sonic the Hedgehog,Sentret the Squirrel,Pikachu the Mouse,and Swim the Turtle. The 7 animals surround Anubis and lock him up.As he was getting locked up the gate was closing. Tiffy,Ray,Guy,Loki,and Sora rush out as Tiffy,Guy,Ray,Loki and Sora make it out.But the monsters hold the gate and try to push there way out. Sora knocks back the mosnter with a punch as the other 4 try to shutthe gate. Sora makes a honorable sacarfice and tells his goodbyes to his friends. Sora punches the gate and the gate closes.That that is how the title is called “Mr.GoodFriend. read more

True Friends and New Lands Part 1

Me ane my Friends were walking down Maple Island. I(Jason) was a cleric.My friend Brian was a Crossbowman.My friend Anje was a Ice Wziard.My friend Michelle(Mich) was a Fire Wizard.My friend Richmont was a Sin(Assassin).My friend Adam was a Page.My friend Trevor(Trev) was a Bandit.And my friend Matt was a Spearman.
We were exploring and we meet new people.We met hot,beautiful Rain;We met grumpy,old Marco;and we met young,smart Lucy.
We met Cpt.Shanks and he said “Want to travel to a new land?Meet new people?Meet new friends?Well come to Victoria Island.But theres a few only 150mesos for each person.”
They were shocked because they only had enough for 4 people.So they chose Anje and Mich to go yet couldnt decide who else.The last ship was going to leave until the next 3 days.So they chose and they picked Richmont to go and Jason.They said there goodbyes and tried to raise money.
Anje,Mich,Richmont,and Jason made it to Lith Harbor where they met Jane,Chef,and many more but bad people. read more