All posts by closercircle


Well all happened on Sunday, just passing by FM’s then when I saw a bunch of pro’s just talking. Then I asked how much a +5 dex +5 luk 8 slot sauna was worth and they said they didn’t know. Just when I was bout to CC OckyRina dropped her friends Fairfrozen (1juno’s) and I quickly FJed and looted it. We got in a chatroom we finally got to an agreement.
10 Onyx apples, 10mill, and a Z Helm for the FF. We traded and i got 10 apples and 10mill and I asked what else I needed for the run. Got the stuff then i realized on Saturday I needed to go to a band competition so I asked her if she can go on for me. When I told her the info I logged and went on my mule to check. She went on to check the stuff. Then she went off. I thought oh she’s really relliable. Then today when I got home I went to the Nexon site to check I find myself naked. Then I asked my friend to go on and check and he tells me the pins wrong. Now I’m hacked. read more