All posts by Cicormatic

Yay :)

Ok finally i hit lvl 50 im very happy,feels like i started over again. and i got sum awesome armor from a very good friend πŸ˜€ and i bought an olympus of from my last hard earned money πŸ˜› it has 73ATT feels good cuz its the same ATT as that 1 i lost when i got hacked now i can do awesome dmg, compared to the dmg i did be4 xD..

i have got so many friend lately and i just couldnt d’let any1 >.< cuz every1 r so awesome and kindl πŸ˜› so well, i had to extand my bl again.. and again πŸ˜€ so now i have 35bl slots πŸ˜€ its expensive but its totally worth it ^__^ read more

I love my friends

today i logged in and i was training and no friends were online.. so i was training of course
well later a good friend of mine logged in well i thought she was my good friend.. she was going to el nathand asked if i wanted to come.. we were taking in buddy chat so my other friend dragonfang heard me talking and said he wanted to take me to nath πŸ˜› well so i thought he could join us
when me and my other rude and selfish friend was w8ing for dragon she was like well selfish and wanted to go and said he β€œdragon” could meet us in el nath and stuff she was like mad or something and i asked why she was so rude -.-β€˜
well she said she was sry and stuff..
well Dragon came and she was nice to him ..
in el nath i asked dragon if we could see werewolves well she was like im dont wanna waste my time and pots on that bla bla.. and like called dragon noob and stuff O_O .. dragon is lvl 51 -.-β€˜ and shes is lvl 31 like me!
she said she had a lvl 67 or something i dont believe her!
well i can understand that dragon got mad, shes been like rude to me many times before i just havnt noticed it really read more