All posts by chanx

What just happened?

Ok this is crazy. What just happened to maple?! It kicked me&my friends off. It won’t connect AND mapleglobal won’t load. Can somebody please tell me what’s happening? …ok wait let me breathe. Sorry bout the spazz. But O_O please let me back on, my friend’s a step away from being a hermit, we just need to go back to Ellinia!!! Gratz Alex <333 btw. But please let us back in!!! read more


I’m so tired.
Too tired to even open my eyes,
I need them closed

I’m disgusted with the world.
So disgusted,
I wouldn’t care if it disappears.

There’s too much trouble,
too much chaos,
I want my eyes closed.

I don’t want to see any more of this,
What life would be like,
if we can close our eyes.

As I lean against the wall,
I need support,
I want to close my eyes. read more


I dunt know what else to namet his blog. I’ve read lots of blogs about people hitting on 2 inch pixels. I haven’t seen that for a while. But today, it went far. I was PQing& out of nowhere this guy (timegold) started hitting on this girl in my party. The girl got all…annoyed? &kept on telling us that she wanted him to stop, finally I told the guy “Get a life, hitting on 2 inch pixels?” since he was really harrassing her. He stopped what he was doing and started cussing at me. Harsh words flew back and forth. Finally we got in PQ…which means he missed =). read more

Maple Ticket

You once gave me a ticket,
A ticket to Orbis,
In the end I didn’t go,
I miss the ship.

You got mad,
I was sad,
You got fustrated,
You wouldn’t listen,

We broke apart,
But in my heart,
I’ll love you,

I dunt want things to change,
I dunt want you to move away,
I have your ticket,
You have my heart,

As I hold the ticket in my hand,
I imagine you still as my man,
I miss you so much,
But as I see you, read more