All posts by BlazeSin

Trail of a hacker

Ok today I was kill Chief gray for a quest when suddenly I noticed a sudden increase of benard Gray’s in an area. As I moved from channel to channel I saw benard Gray clustered. Finally after a full 20 channels, I saw the Hacker. It was a level 40 warrior who was using vac hacks. He saw me and he used his vac hack to hit me and run to the next channel. I followed as fast as I could. Eventually when I catch him again he is completely obivious of my presence. So I sneek up to him when suddenly he says “please don’t report me.” I stand there completly dumbfounded. Then he uses vac hack to run. When I finally catch him for the third time (which took like an hour) I finally report him. I got out of there before he did something else to me. read more


Today I found out some shocking news that made me sad. Luckily my guild and friends cheered me up. It’s good to have people’s shoulders to cry on.