All posts by BlackNazgul

Short and Simple

Like the title portrays, I will keep todays blog short and sweet. I really do not have much to say, just that I gained a few percent while training at wraiths. Also, I defamed a guy for being stupid and spreading rumors about me. Also, I reported a hacker and he got banned a few minutes later! Awesome timing GMs!

My internet is logging me off in a few minutes, So I need to get in the remainder of my thoughts as quickly as I can. Let’s see, about my story, As those of you who actually read my series, I would first like to thank you for giving me your time and your effort to read my crappy writing. In addition, I would like to inform you that I would probably produce about two to three chapters per week (I work on a chapter in the weekdays, and since I have more time on the weekends, I can get out about another 2 chapters or so). Thanks! read more


I’ve become so numb
I can’t feel you there
I’m become so tired
So much more aware
I’ve become a mess
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like you
~Linkin Park – Numb

Currently feeling – depressed

I just found out today that my best friend betrayed me to run after a girl that I like. I was just left standing there, wondering why he was so rash and stupid. Of course, he got rejected, but I still cannot believe that he did it. He knew that I secretly had feelings for her, but he still went away and tried to ask her out. What cheek! read more

Plot Twists in life

When Life gives you a lemon, Make lemona- ah screw it. *goes to play maplestory*

Anyhoo, I’m still feeling a bit lightheaded from my upside down experience yesterday. This is bad because I have to study for mounds of quizes and tests tomorrow. I need to stop blogging and start studying, but I can’t abandon you guys (rofl at my own stupidity). read more

Upside Down and Misc

Sigh no one reads my series. I am a sad little boy.

In other news, I feel like I’m upside down. I don’t know why, but everything just seems flipped in my life. Maybe because I’m listening to “Upside Down” whatever.

Anyhoo, A few things happened to me over the weekend. I got to 61% on level 56, so ony 39% more till 57 (yay I can do math)! Also, I logged on for a bit, trying to find a hacker-free channel to train on Wraiths. Then, I come to one particular channel where there is this cleric, 4X I think, who is fighting the Wraiths. I was about to leave when one of the Wraiths drop a whip! I was like man what a lucky guy. All of a sudden, HE LAGS OUT!!! I was like OMG THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!! I tele up to the platform and score myself a new 15 speed whip! Then, I quickly cc just in case he comes back to pester me. read more

The Fire Within Ch- 8

Vanya kissed his wife goodbye. He was going on a trip to Orbis to consult with his 3rd job advisor. There were questions he needed answering. Answers that were questioned. He put on his Dark Enigmatic, grasped his Kage, and set off for the station in Ellinia. Along the way, he saw two assassins cornering a pretty little cleric. The two of them had their Steelies in their hands, ready to strike. Sighing, Vanya teleported over to the two assassins, grabbed them both by the collars of their armor, and then teleported them to the highest branch of the highest tree in the forest. read more

The Fire Within Ch-7

Amidst of Michelle’s tears, Ryan slowly and carefully untied Haris’ ragged old cloak and laid it to a final rest on Haris’ body. Then with the help of Vanya and Mark, the three of them laid Haris’ body down into the hole the others dug. After a brief final word from each of the survivors recalling their memories of Haris, his body was covered for the last time. read more

Is it just me?

Is it just me or are hackers stupid. I mean seriously, they have no knowledge whatsoever. Today, I was training on Wraiths, when this hacker comes. I see him start vacing the Wraiths and their drops. So I go near him, and he flies to a safe spot and sits in a little green chair. I tell him that he was hacking, but he denies it. Here’s how it went down: read more

The Fire Within Ch-6

Ryan’s eyes flew open. He sat up and a cool gush of wind ruffled his hair. Behind his back was the hard, rocky wall of the cave. Beside him was his girl, Michelle, silently dreaming of the good days. She’s so beautiful, he thought. It’s like fate that we met. We were destined to be together.

He bent down and kissed her soft lips for a few moments, then got up and put on his overall and slung his Asianic on his back. He held his Polyfeathered Hat by the brim as he walked to the waterfall to get a drink. It was his first drink of fresh water in almost a week. He almost forgot the feeling of purity gushing down his throat. read more


Ok fine I am a hypocrite. I think leveling is slow for a reason. they dont want you to get to rediculously high levels in a month. however, i also think it is too slow. i have been level 52 for like three weeks now. it is really getting annoying. i hate school, they give me too much homework. plus that dam psat i have to take. life blows. i need my daily dose of drugs. not really, but im so stressed right now its not even funny. anyways, hope u guys had a better month than i did! read more