All posts by bkxdavid

Where’d You Go Book 1 Part 1

I am an ice lightning wizard named Rafie.I have myself because my family is dead all dead.(*sniff*)I travel
and battle bad people.I was walking into the department store in orbis when i heard a noise.I went outside and I
wondered.Give me all your mesos or you will die you girl!!At that moment i saw a couple of bandits and another bandit holding the helpless girl by her neck and holding a dagger over her neck.Please help me,the girl cried out in
pain.I hurried toward them and blasted a magic claw at the criminals.The bandits were hit and a couple of them got
blasted at one of the buildings.The bandit holding the girl let go and slashed her after he got blasted.Well,well if
it isn’t Rafie,said one of the bandits who were injured.I looked around to look for the person that was talking about me.I saw a bandit who was smiling at me.Oh,no it’s not Scott again,i groaned.It was my ex-friend Scott who used
to be in the gang i was in but i quit because they were doing bad things.Haha you came just in time to see yourself
kill me,screamed Scott.Next thing I knew,bam!scott was dead with a couple of his other bandits.The leftover bandits shrieked with fear and ran off.I laughed.I came toward the helpless girl.W-who are you?,she stammered.
I said,My name is Rafie and i am here to help you.Where have you been stabbed?,i asked her.Umm,right here,she
said pointing at her bleeding back.I opened my inventory and pulled out a couple of potions and other helpful
things.Eat this pill and then drink up this white potion and swallow both,i said.Your back will be better in no time, i
assured her.I thank you for knowing all this,she said.My name is Ginny.Ginny,i repeated.It’s no problem Ginny,I
said.She was so beautiful and her eyes looked into me.I stared at her.Was it destiny that brought us together?,I
thought.Umm,i have to go Rafie,Ginny said quickly.Bye,i said sadly hoping to kiss her. read more

notice for blog:where’d you go book 1

im srry but where’d you go book 1 part 2 was accidentally deleted when my computer started lagging and i pressed
something wrong that made my internet page go backward and i had to start all over.the part 2 will come out tomorrow.

this was posted on july 16,2006
by bkxdavid (email