Cool.the only topics i ever post about maple are complaints about maple ^.^ . this is getting boring eh ?
Anyway,this time it regards @-cash.
I BOUGHT A FAKE PPC!@@@ ROAR!!!! C!!P !! 7-11 IM GONNA DROWN UR OUTLETS WIF FRENCH FRIES FOR NOT GIBBING ME A REFUND!!!!! okayy .~ earlier on,12pm,i bought 5 prepaid cards.unknowingly,1 of the cards was a fake & 7-11 said that they had no proof.
anyway,the fishing rod was kinda cool..when i was out for 1hour & a half,i caught many fishes looking like demented wolves & gained 100k.not bad for a first timer i suppose =X .
P.S,cheeze,those terriyaki burgers contained alot of chicken skin which helps you to get fat+the burgers didnt contain any & my cousin didnt ask for a vege-less burger.
P.SS eating french fries gives you superpowers like farting every single minute of your life which lasts for 1 day but expires on the 2nd that comes with super natural effects like able to decorate the toilet in less than half an hour & being able to smell like poop
All posts by AshleyNicole
My cousin,French Fries,Ksers & Weight
Imagine how ksing can stimulate one’s brain.when i was at my cousin’s house just the other day,he encounted a kser.but way before that,we got crazy & we ordered 3 teppanyaki burgers,5 upsize french fries & 2 upsize milos all from McDonalds.( thank you McDonalds we love that new emo fekking shrek hats u guys wear)Anyway,we ate the teppanyaki burgers but left out the fries.All of the sudden,a silly 5X sin appeared in our coolie map & he started ksing my cousin got realli angry & started 2 ks him.
After an hour & constant screams of ,” USE MY PRIEST LAH.” ,my cousin got realli mad & started glaring at the 5 bags of fries.he took 1 bag & started stuffing his mouth full of oily,starchy substances & started digesting them with the help of salivary emylase.
I was staring at him like he was some sort of crazed emo alien whom just confessed that he loves william hung & dat his plans to abduct him failed.i dont understand how one’s consumination of french fries can help ksing.i really have no idea.but if thers 1 thing i know,its about stealing my bag of french fries.once he was down 2 the last three bags of french fries,he took 1 bag from my clean,unoily,holy fingers & started stuffing his oily,unholy,& contaminated mouth with my heavenly french fries.i had a murderous look on my face.i love french fries as much as the next french fry fanatic does.but stealing french fries from me will gain looks from me like you’ve just murdered someone.i swear to god my face suddenly looked like it had undergone a bad plastic surgery.
anyway i need your opinions on this,i know in the past i had many complaints about maple but this is really too much.a blood relative resorting to vent his anger on my favourite food is definitely not my favourite pastime to watch.i really love french u have any suggestions to stop him from venting his anger on my favourite food?
P.S,putting the food away doesnt help.he snatched the last 2 bags from me about 20 times when i tried to save them.
maple gone bad to worse?!
i am bad & i am back!
after not blogging for so long,i thought it was time i should vent my frustrations on type,not on paper.=)
im back at maplestory bootes with my new dear derrick.hes cute,sweet,smart & funny.everything you want in a boyfriend =).
you see,after break up with an sweet guy whom moved from maplestory to audition,i couldnt stand it at there anymore,cos like,THE GAME GETS BORING AFTER 1 MONTH!ITS JUST BASICALLY CLICKING & PRESSING KEYS.I FIND NO MORE ENCOURAGING REASONS TO PLAY IT!(sorry all u hardcore audition players…)but i really love this guy..when we broke up,i still find his snoring+his sweet nothings coming back to my head.but derrick dear is keeping me busy =D
Ok! anyway back to the subject.
im astonished & shocked that there are EVEN MORE vulgarity flying around.god,not being online for like,2 months,really changes everything huh?
there was once a case where ksing a sin came close to a streetfight at bugis.
the sad nutcase wanted to fight with me because he claimed that i stole his map.
ok,firstly,he was NOT THERE WHEN I CAME TO THAT MAP.
secondly,why the pecking duck coolie maps have to be so big?!gives losers like him a lousy excuse like,”map is so big,cannot see me.” or ”you cant see me cos map dam big summore got that empty space teleporting thing.”
then came the misled & verbal use of hokkien vulgarity.
& i’ve noticed that there are more hacking cases.
u see,i got hacked but im doing still surviving in maple after that big,scary not worry about me,i did not shed tears of sadness on that incident.i’ve got a zakum helmet!
recently,a famous dk & a mage got hacked right now im wondering,has maplestory gone bad to worse!?
seriously!please include perverts,ksing kings & queens,& gangsters!
i’ve including an image of me =X hee hee.slacking in maplestory now due to lack of money,anyways,gotta go sleep now derrick dear sleeping le.must pei him ^^
Have a fun time all~
How To get Over A Divorce
if you have no face,after a bad divorce, here are some tips to get over it.
1.keep on mega-ing that thanks for all ur support friends..he/she is realli out of my life..tthanks for the ppl for being by my side..
2.go jio ( seduce ) a person that u realli love & ur ex doesnt like. >
3.act as if nothing big happened.
4.go take a nice cold shower,cry out like hell, & go train 2 release off ur anger. ( this is what i did )
thanks for viewing . have a nice day ^^ .
unfortunately,a increasing number of people are finding solace & comfort in the internet,believing they can find true ‘love” .but sadly,they get their hearts broken & turn into those people whom trick other innocent believers for @-cash or mesos.its like a cycle.please watch out for these scammers.they are just cruel hearted people whom cannot be bothered with other people’s feelings.its lucky i managed to not encounter one of these losers but some of my friends have. please watch out for yourselves.
1 more not that really angry at my ex.true,cyber marriages are really a touchy subject.word can get fast around the net & you can be backstabbed by your own friends by divorcing that person.some people care about ”face” ( an expression whereby means caring about your ego. ) which is really agonizing & i’ve experienced it before.
o_o ok .. but seriously, ..grim is good
Ok first im going to say a little abit the previous blog first .
Firstly,mmo tales is an blog site isnt it? i can just type my thoughts down & speak rubbish all day long. thats me . ^^
secondly johnathan is actually a smart guy.his grades are higher than average but his attitude is err.. lets say perticular.( sorry =( im not sure if this is the correct spelling .)
thirdly,i would like to say that im really portraying my principal in a manner which i like to state out his bad points.sadly,he doesnt have any good points if you want to side with him.hey,im a rebel . but i’ve never had a single detention in my life. xP
fourth.i would like to thank the people who’ve seen my posts . ^^ thanks alot.
Ok! i’ve have some people who comment that sotong is the best place for a priest to train there. let me state the fact that a lvl 90 priest can hop to grim phantom with a dk & get 2k+ exp on every grim. its even better with a hermit but please please please hb the hermit.mits have low hp.
but on the other hand . ^^ if u have no dks willing 2 accompany u to grim phantom,
well,the 2nd option is sotong party.
Reasons why sotong is not THAT good ( for priests )
1.(shortage of people)people quit party,u have 2 find another hermit,dk,bowman,blablabla..etcetc
2.Chatters. ( ok this is what i basically call people whom want to train but at the same time want to talk to their buddies.please,if u keep up this habit of talking & training at the same time u can say goodbye to exp & hello to slow exp.
3.Eat & Bathe.( this is also an mix golem party problem.there are a number of certain people in this world whom can bathe in 5 minutes,eat tjeir breakfast/lunch/dinner in 5minutes.but sadly,there are certain people in this world whom can bathe or eat for a complete hour.this is agonizing.what happens if thers like,1 priest & 2 attackers in the map,and the rest of the party members are ever so slowwwly eating or bathing away.please make an effort to just bathe or eat in 30minutes.i do not believe that the holy act of bathing needs to be so darn long (unless you have a phobia against bathing & would need a nurse to help you ) so can you just please hurry up.if you’re drying your hair however i can understand.
thats all for now ^^ hope can write soon . xP
:)) random stuff!
yoyo !
im feeling realli bored today grrz! .
the teacher is .. acting weird .. hes not caring for any of the class.
right now , im at the computer lab! ^^
T_T im dying 2 play maple right now .. *cries* ..
(my school = hwa chong international . SINGAPORE . )
basically the school is ok.
except for 2 things.
1. Johnathan .
for does who are bloggers & is in the same sch as me , u might probably know him as a retarded idiot who screams porn everyday . to be honest , hes a sickening person . & from what i heard from my friend who asked my english teacher, she claims that his grades are above average . holy **** . dis guy is 1 of a kind .
2. Mr Leong (A.K.A the principal)
hes also a mentally retarded person in my opinion . his english is far worse than any of us . his pronounciation sucks as well . i heard that he just lazes around & does nothing but let the vice principal do all the work . sounds horrible doesnt he? but its true . he just walks around & scratch his chin & talk about non-relevant stuff . i dont like him as a principal but my honest opinions should just be kept 2 myself . im not suppose 2 be a nosy idiot anyway . just sit at the classroom & study anyway . but dont blame me if any HCIS students find out that many teacher are quitting the sch anyway .
wait ..
okiies . best i go now . cya all! maybe update later .
those ppl in bootes (maplestory). pls feel free
2 pm me ! im free anytime . cya!