First off, I would like to thank everyone who came to my wedding. Second, I want to say that I am extremely sorry for the way things turned out. I’m sorry for my temper during the events as well. For anyone who was there and confused, this is what happened.
I started the invitations and planning about 2.5 hours before we planned the wedding. I sent out invites to buddies, guild members and (very importantly) some people from MMOTales. Quite a few people showed up during the span of 1.5 hours of waiting outside the chapel in Amoria. Many people had to leave, sadly, since we also spent some time waiting for people as well.
I am just not good at 10 people chatting me at once. I can’t handle more than 3 people talking to me at once. So as soon as the crowd grew, I became irritated and inattentive. As soon as we had the full crowd drawn, I realized that there was still the parents thing we had to do. This made us force other people to wait even longer. While doing this I was lagging badly and in a mad rush. While in the rush and being extremely anxious, people kept whispering, chatting and talking to me asking me what happened (though I said it 6 times in guild, buddy, all chat and told my buddies and guild members to tell people). This made me more frustrated. Then people actually followed me to “Mom and Dad” which made me lag further and become even more irritable (I asked them all to please wait in Amoria). I know I had no right to lose my patience with my guests but I don’t handle pressure well. I was trying to make it quick and enjoyable for everyone but by doing that I would need to ignore chit-chat and such.