Disregard the title. I was bored ._.
Been awhile since my last blog, infact, been QUITE awhile. Meh, not caring. Now to get to why I made this blog.
Yeaahh, still 54, but 60%, so yay. School work is biting my time, so can’t really train. I just lead for LudiMaze on weekends. Oh gawd I’m like, becoming famous there. But actually, I like being famous O: Yesterday I went on due to Shining forcing me via MSN and eventually she had to leave. :l But after that I stalked 13lue, helped her train. There was this random noob that followed me, I think he wanted some of my cool stuff from LudiMaze <.< Well yeah, I had a fun time. Sorry I’m horrible at screenying things, but I did manage to get 5 pics. Pic 1 is me yelling at 13lue since she said I phail >.> Forgot for what reason. Pic 2 is me fooling around in amoria, notice my pet is way over yonder, still jumping o.O Pic 3 is, well it’s lines from “Shoes” and I stole 13lue’s line Pic 4 is some guys hilarious smega’s, sorry for the mouse in that one. And lastly, the final pic is me signing off Maple, since I had to get my homework done D: read more