All posts by angelwitwing

Why won’t you understand me? pt 14

“ummm, Crystal, you go first. I need to see someone.” I said.
“what?!?!” Crystal practically screamed.
“calm down okay?” I teleported away holding the paper in my hands. I walked towards Daniel and stuffed the paper in his face.

“Did you throw this at me, because RIGHT NOW Im very upset! How could you?! I trusted yo–
“what? Love, what are you talking about?” He cut me off
“you know very well what im talking about. I knew you had spare kumbi’s in your bad and you used it! READ the friggen paper!” I shouted. I was very angry. I saved him! And this is the thanks I get?
Daniel read the paper and gave it back to me with a frown. read more


Okay. I want to get some things straight.
Map1eholic and I are bloody sisters. Im getting pm’s going “i bet you are creating multiple accounts just to get your fame up”
and pm’s like “Just because your sisters doesn’t mean you should show off…”

Do any of you know how hurtful it is to say those? I mean sure we both write love stories but we get different views. Me click ONE i like it button thing doesn’t change it. We both have our pro’s and con’s. read more

strange day? guess again!

Im getting writers block for the next few parts so i’ll write abou my strange yet not strange day.
I log onto maple Story and im at henesy training grounds (im a level 4x) Yes i love to socialize. I help friends and newbs. Alot of people may hate this but i LOVE helping newbs. Why? Because i simply want to make the game better for them.

I start training and helping a beginner who wants to be a thief. I train her then suddenly stop thinking. read more

Why won’t you understand me? pt 13

“Maggie, I love you…” Daniel mouthed these words. Those maybe simple words but contain a lot of meaning.
“NO! I love you! A lot more” Keith cried

“I love you too” I said
Quick as a flash, I grabbed my beautiful fairy wand mumbled a spell. I aimed holy arrows. Soon enough Keith was already on the ground.
“Maggie, im so glad you remember… You saved me!” Daniel said
“No Daniel, you saved me! It was all because of me that got you into this mess. I should be the one who’s really sorry!” I cried.
“Love, even though everything over, I still feel guilty. Keith went through all this because of me. He loved me and I was only person he would ever love. Now that I got you I feel sorry for him. Let me heal him please?” I asked read more

delayed again!

hey guys.

It’s angelwitwing and map1eholic. Our school fair is starting and we won’t have the time to write stories. So sorry!
For all those who read our stories, what we’ve done is we’ve pre typed our stories but we really need to edit it and stuff. I guess it will come out slower. Sorry for the inconvience!

~angelwitwing & map1eholic~ read more

Why won’t you understand me?pt 12

I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes.
Everyone ran inside
“Hey daddy! Hey Mommy, Hey fellow guild mat..”
“uhh, I got to go sorry” Keith said and quickly rushed off
“jeez, he’s in such a hurry”
“love! Your alright!” Daniel greeted me warmly
“um… Do I know you?” I backed away
“ofcourse! Im…your… boyfriend!” Daniel stuttered
“I don’t recall of anyone besides Keith…” I scratched my head.
Wendy was a nurse and felt my head and my blood pressure.
Her face went blank…
“Please excuse her Daniel. Everyone, we must get Keith back. He has erased Maggie’s memories! Just when I thought I had my daughter back, thank god she hasn’t forgot about us.” Wendy cried and ran to Martin for comfort.
“dear, it’s alright, we’ll get your daughter back” He gave Wendy a reassuring smile.
“what…” Daniel was totally guttered read more

Why won’t you understand me? pt 11

~where Maggie is trapped~
“what the f***! you pervert get off me!” When I was awoke, I happened to see Keith above me, about to take OFF my clothes!
“urg, Maggie! You were better off asleep!” Keith said
“shut up!” I tried to get loose of him but he was stronger than me.

After 20 minutes, the guild members finally arrived. The screaming as died down. They also contacted Daniel and Crystal. Daniel hasted Crystal and himself while Crystal teleported quickly. Everyone arrived outside.
“so, what’s the code!!” Daniel shouted
“we…don’t…know” Everyone in the guild quieted down. read more

Why won’t you understand me?pt 10

As soon as I introduced my sis about this MMO tales thing, shes being writing better stories than me! >= (
Anyway, on with the story…

“stay inside the cabin! Balrog outside!” Martin ordered
Wendy put on magical guarding (magic guard) and used bless then started healing like hell
Martin raises his fire bow and arrow and teleports closer to the Balrog… Soon enough, fire arrows were aimed at the Balrog, and Martin sent out a green puff of smoke and carried on sending fire arrows. Martin started taking out his anger at the Balrog for what happened with his daughter. Leaving the Balrog no time to attack back. Soon enough the balrog lay dead before Martin and Wendy’s eyes.
“good work love” Wendy smiled weakly through her tears
Martin brushed away Wendy’s hair and whispered “our daughter will be safe, as she always has been, don’t you worry”
“hopefully…” read more


Alot of people create multiple accounts just to get their blogs on the front page!
I was just shocked by this.
Many people think im doing that because of map1eholic, but im here to say, map1eholic is my sister. We share a computer, where as i was about the write a story so i logged out from her account. I went to the bathroom and she came back from getting something to eat. logging onto the front page, she clicked her blog and started emailing everyone about her story. read more