All posts by AngelsLove

MS RelationShips. DEBATE

Maple Dramahh … [:

Kay, first let’s clear up the part. How real can a MS relationship get? Very real. Is it pathetic? Yes it is pathetic to cry over a guy you don’t even know in RL, and cry to a pixel. Pathetic, but real. So let’s see how far a relationship really can get [:


[Use the same starting from That Girl – Prologue … cause I took that from my own experience and just made it storylike] read more

That Girl. Prologue.

That Girl. Part l <3


A group of friend’s, not particularly close friend’s, but still considered each other as buddies, sat on a platform huddled around a fire at zombies. Soon, as the El Nath night began to darken, one by one they started drifting home, until there were 2 people remaining.

” Can you believe how cold it is? ” Chris asked shivering slightly, his voice trembled as his body shook with the evening’s chill. read more