im thinking of moving to rs because my account i’ve had for what seems like an eternity with on maple has been hacked.I’ve recently started to play RS a lot and MS less…
So which should i choose?
im thinking of moving to rs because my account i’ve had for what seems like an eternity with on maple has been hacked.I’ve recently started to play RS a lot and MS less…
So which should i choose?
this is the person who did the character search and blahblahblah etc. +3 heartless lol
ok so here are the characters :
Toshiro,White knight,Main character and is traped in the final maple-world.Wields a Devils Sunrise
Pyracross,Fire/Poison Archmage(sry >.<),3rd person Toshiro meets on his journey.Wields a Kage
Hetero,Priest,2nd person Toshiro meets.Wields a Dragon Staff
Mira,Hermit,Meets Toshiro a couple of minutes after he warps.Wields a Caster+Zakum Stars(maplestars cept w/ zakum)
Kiri,Ranger,Last person met and Mira’s twin.Wields a Holy Arund