Yurp. Very happy. I kinda started playing maple again a few days ago, I wanted to play my old character again, (61 hunter.) so I asked the guy I gave him to, and he didn’t mind giving him back. He said he kept the password and pin the same, so I tried, and well, it didn’t work. Then I realized that he let another person use it, and that he changed the pin. I was kinda pissed at that moment, but I decided to make an assassin and shrug it off. Anyway, one day out of pure boredom, I decided to punch in a random number into my old account’s pin, (I still knew all the info and the password.) and it worked. I was just kinda sitting there marveling at my dumb luck. Of course, my beautiful asianic was gone, along with some other gear. I had a nifty red whip when I got on there too. Now my plan is to train my assassin, make money, and quickly get my hunter to ranger. Anyway…I’m back.