SO YEAH. Hai there. I’m like..what right now, I just totally forgot about MMOtales (lol sorry) and just decided to have a look. And like..I just looked back at my old blogs…And what; I am ashamed. That’s not even me..I..Am almost literally speechless. For crying out loud that’s some nasty past of mine. ANYWAYYYYY….The nub days are gone and i’m like, level 73 now, lulz. I’m a DK and a pure polearmer at that. <3 A lot has changed over the months and i’ve changed, A LOT. Thank god.
So uhm…Not too much to talk about atm cause I’m just SLIGHTLY traumatised through reading my old blogs. But hey, in recent news, my friend Sapzdude got to level 105 grats. And TheXLaw got to level 150, he invited me along to watch him level up on the crogs. That lasted about 10 seconds as there was a ton of people pwning them. So yeah GRATS @ YOU TWO. And also congrats to ZionNorth and Plipkat on double leveling to 100! ^_^
And uhm..Yeah..More DECENT BLOGS to come from me. Yes, decent, not like that shameful junk I have previously written. So uhm, gimmeh a few days and i’ll write soem stuff. Mmkay, penguins > you. Bai.
All posts by abolisher
The Burnt Land runs scarce…
Hi, weclome to my first story series! this is the first one, dont worry, if u like it that much u will be pleased to know that there are more to come
So…i start at lvl 34, your average hwarang shirt, martail arts pants and bearing a nice, beefy 55 att mithril pole arm.(bleh its crap i no but at the time it does the job XD) i set a target to kill at the burnt land till lvl 46.(6 lvls for the mathamatically challenged people)…
well, it was on a sunny sunday afternoon when me and 3 other fiends decided that we would g on a suicide mission to kill some tauro’s.So we went through the evil eyes etc..and stoppeed at wild kargoes, pwend a few of them to get warmed up, and then came through to sanc 1. we saw 2 open tauros, so the cleric was spamming the heal button while another mage was cold beaming and my other friend and i were spamming power strike. they doing resonable damage but we were surviving well on white pots and the clerics heal. we must got them down to about 100-300 hp left when they started to spam us with thier magic. and unfortunately the damn things survived by the skin of thier teeth =’-(.
Beggars, who needs them…
Ok, so there i am, sitting on a bench in heneyses recovering hp.When some massiv swarm of begginers and low lvls pound me with “MESOS PLZ!” “GUILD PLZ!” “TRAIN ME PLZ!”. so i just ignore them, get up and walk a way.i get to the taxi and i get more of it, so i think ot myself, meh..they wont follow me to bl.and what happens..they follow me!