i was trying get a drop from rombot when this guy named DualCross came and ksed me
as u can guess, the rombot spawned and i was hopelessly trying to kill it with my lvl 25 HA
He won -.-
after that molestation (-.-) i changed chan and i was looking into the face of that evil bandit
not even 24 seconds after i met up with him agen , the rombot spawned and i was given the same fate as b4
( i got ksed )
by this time u could’ve guessed that i was boling up
it was like he was stalking me O_O
i swear on my life , not even 5 mins l8r he came back and ksed the rombot that had just spawned my pleasure
ladies and gentlemen
i was ksed 3 times from rombot in 10 mins
i hate ksers