Well so far for my into, anyhow. This will serve for the sake of an attempt to make people laugh, or think, or click the back button on their browser. Topic will mainly be my oh-so-awesome in-game experiences. If you’d like to hear some irl stories, go to someone’s myspace, ’cause I ain’t putting them on teh interwebz.
Anyhow, as for today’s topic;
Failing merchants
Well, so I got myself a pretty 11 dex 9 slot ades. Guess what we do with 11 dex 9 slot ades’? We scroll them. So off on my search for 60% overall dex scrolls. For the people from GMS/Sea/w/e, who totally won’t understand a few things, I’ll clear some stuff up; The higher leveled community in EMS is really, really small. Not to mention that 3rd job isn’t released, nor aqua dungeon. So a dex ades is rare, I’d use a str, but due the lack of zakum helmets, I raised my str to 75. Anyhow, since the chance to find another ades, and to make a 10/30% work on it is rather small, I’m not even gonna try breaking it. Well, lovin’ the market as it is since a few months, especially the past one, there are many wanna-be merchanders. With especially the last month, I also mean the most beautiful market-corrupting feature people could think of, pigmy, aka gapachon.
Now, I know that I need my money more than others do, but I can simply not understand why people waste a flippin’ 100 euros per month on NX. Well, I’ve been whining enough about this already, so I’ll not bore people who eventually know me and read this, but summarised; NX spam gets pretty close to meso buying and hacking IMO.
Anyhow, since there are these many new scrolls, and kages even, more people have started using permits. Now besides seeing half the free market covered in Elves (which just screams [my daddy is richer than urs lolo!l), many have started selling for the most idiotic prices. And guess what, thanks to the same pigmy, people have that money. They have no clue on how markets work, inflation, deflation, you name it. Thus they are totally ruining it for the people that don’t spam pigmy or hack or buy mesos. What do many of these also do?
Yes, start merchanding. I am one of them myself, always been. I mean, unfunded crossbow, not a ice mage/cleric thanks. Well I’ve done that for a while, and though I did start to see more and more people that just completely screw up the market in their merchanding attempts, now with pigmy, IT WORKS! No they don’t quit, or learn decent prices anymore, nooo, someone must buy it because pigmy is out. So the mesos are getting worth less and less and less. Every scroll is overpriced, every throwing star also on a sidenote, excellent merchanding item.
Well, I’m getting the last scroll soon, so hopin’ it’ll work (B> enough luck for 29 dex ades kbaithx), for prices varied from 2m-2.3m, still overpriced if you ask me anyway. Should earn it back easily if it turns out better than my pris though. But it’s tiring to see what shape the market is in. Ah well, guess I’ll go and live with the changes and just be a meaner merchant.
EDIT; 23 dex ades, well, better than my pris. Pics below.
I like your style.
It’s cool to see people from EMS. ^^
And uh, I don’t have much luck, but eh, I have 4 LUK extra on my screwed-up-but-still-smexeh Ranger~
*gives it to you*
This is the first EMS person here, left?
I’m Past.
Welcome to MMOTales, don’t mind those naked people running around.
Welcome to MMOTales! ^^;;
Would’ve replied sooner, but due using another word for female dog in a verb, I think, I got blocked from replying =
Anyhow, merci for the welcomes, and zomgitzpast, to be brutally honest I only know you as Generd/Agitated’s friend buys smegas from time to time
But hai.