Imagine how ksing can stimulate one’s brain.when i was at my cousin’s house just the other day,he encounted a kser.but way before that,we got crazy & we ordered 3 teppanyaki burgers,5 upsize french fries & 2 upsize milos all from McDonalds.( thank you McDonalds we love that new emo fekking shrek hats u guys wear)Anyway,we ate the teppanyaki burgers but left out the fries.All of the sudden,a silly 5X sin appeared in our coolie map & he started ksing my cousin got realli angry & started 2 ks him.
After an hour & constant screams of ,” USE MY PRIEST LAH.” ,my cousin got realli mad & started glaring at the 5 bags of fries.he took 1 bag & started stuffing his mouth full of oily,starchy substances & started digesting them with the help of salivary emylase.
I was staring at him like he was some sort of crazed emo alien whom just confessed that he loves william hung & dat his plans to abduct him failed.i dont understand how one’s consumination of french fries can help ksing.i really have no idea.but if thers 1 thing i know,its about stealing my bag of french fries.once he was down 2 the last three bags of french fries,he took 1 bag from my clean,unoily,holy fingers & started stuffing his oily,unholy,& contaminated mouth with my heavenly french fries.i had a murderous look on my face.i love french fries as much as the next french fry fanatic does.but stealing french fries from me will gain looks from me like you’ve just murdered someone.i swear to god my face suddenly looked like it had undergone a bad plastic surgery.
anyway i need your opinions on this,i know in the past i had many complaints about maple but this is really too much.a blood relative resorting to vent his anger on my favourite food is definitely not my favourite pastime to watch.i really love french u have any suggestions to stop him from venting his anger on my favourite food?
P.S,putting the food away doesnt help.he snatched the last 2 bags from me about 20 times when i tried to save them.
5 thoughts on “My cousin,French Fries,Ksers & Weight”
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Paragraphs pl0x.
dude,jus cos i hardly have any paragraphs doesnt mean its the end of the world for ur eyes![](img/ico/emoticon_happy.png)
anyway thanks for the comments xP
I accidentally clicked the ‘I like this bag of french fries’ with a parakeet D:
Nevermind <3
What the hell? Are those supposed to be like healthy-organic-tofu foods? o_o