
Alright, so. As some of you know, I’m stuck in the level 70 grind-zone where nothing gives good experience. I reached 3rd job back at the beginning of December. It’s now April, more than four months later, and I have yet to reach 80. Granted, I’ve only got three levels to go, but it’s taken me four months to gain seven levels. That’s approximately one and three fourths of a level a month. At that rate, it will take me until midway through May, and probably closer to June, to get to 80. That’s saddening. *curses the lack of decent archer training spots*

Regardless, despite what the opening paragraph sounds like, this is actually a happy blog. Why? Because I say it’s going to be. *nyar*

So, a few days ago, I was happily (?) training at Dark Pepes and Dark Yetis. I only needed 10% to level, and I’d needed that for about 5 days. I wanted my level. So, even though the experience is absolutely craptastic,I went there because the drops are decent. With my amazing luck with drops, I got… nothing. I don’t even think I got any ore, and I was there for at least an hour (this is why I envy people who get 50 gazillion equipment drops every level; I can’t even remember the last equipment drop I got). Regardless, training, training, training. Ping! MoonTwister has connected. MoonTwister has joined the channel. Ah, I love Microsoft Sam and Ventrilo.

So, we chat for a while – he ranted about how amazing Puzzle Quest is and I ranted about how sucky training is. Anyway, he comes and joins me for a bit, and then we decide that we’re going to fight something big. We fought a few Werewolves (big sissies), and then we went to Dark Yeti and Pepes. Now, the last time we went there, one of us died. I can’t remember who, because it’s been so long, but there was much pain and agony. However, we had “super-kicky freezy powers! (TM)” this time around. So, we were there for about another hou – had a couple of close calls, but not much other than that.

Anyway, we got bored. Again. As is the usual. In abbreviated form, here’s what happened next.

Moon: “Hey, Arc, let’s go somewhere else.”
Arc: “Where?”
Moon: “Let’s try those squid thingies.”
Arc: “Squiiiiiddddddss? Oooooh.”
Moon: “Yeah. Remember, their magic attack doesn’t hurt too much, and you can freeze ’em, and I can shoot the crap out of them. We might do ok.”
Arc: “Anything’s better than zombies. *mutter*”

So, down to Aquaroad, restock potions, kill a couple of Mask Fish on the way (they make funky noises when they die), and on to squids. By this point, I only needed about 5% to level. I figured as long as I didn’t die, we wouldn’t have to spend too long there. So, we’re fighting there, and we realize, “This is fun!” Fun, as in, not annoying and boring. Something we hadn’t had since our job advancements. We’re swimmin’, shootin’, and laughin’. It’s amazing.

I get my level in what seems like no time at all. I don’t know if that’s because the experience was good or I was just actually enjoying myself. Anyway, this level, I put three points into Puppet. The plan is for me to get Puppet to a fairly high level so Moon, Rit/me, and possibly Ajema can go and farm stuff from Bains. Granted, I’m probably screwing myself over by “messing up” my skills, but hey, maybe it’ll actually be useful?

So, since I now have Puppet, we decided to test it out. Puppet’s sound effect… XD It sounds like a squeaky toy. Both Moon and I cracked up when we heard it. I think he said his dog perked up when he heard, it too. Cute little puppy playin’ with a squeaky toy. It takes a while for Puppet to actually show up, but it’s kinda useful at its low level. If nothing else, it was good for grouping Gobies up. Those things are annoying if you don’t kill them fast – which is exactly not how a 78 Ranger and a 77 Sniper can kill them.

Unfortunately, Moon died twice during our little excursion. I think he was lagging, because he went from full health to nothing in one hit both times, and I know he had enough HP to survive at least one Goby hit, and definitely enough to survive a squid touch hit. Regardless, he did say he had fun.

He also brought his penguin back. Prinny! I missed you! Moon had a beautiful reunion with his pet. He tried giving it commands, and it acknowledged them (it hadn’t done that before with some of them, like “talk&quot. However, it would give the negative response. It was quite funny, because after about six failed commands, Moon said something along the lines of, “Fine, you little *illegitimate child*. Have it your way. I guess I trained you well.” Just the way he said it was hilarious. Ah, pet/owner drama.

So, that’s the story of Moon and I spending a bit at squids. Obviously, no screenshots, because I didn’t want to deal with the lag they make.

On a completely unrelated note, there’s a new kind of Peanut Butter Twix. Instead of a normal cookie, it’s a chocolate cookie. Oh man, they’re good.

Until next time, when who knows what shall be written. No refunds on wasted time!

Squid and cookie fiend

7 thoughts on “Squiiii…ds?”

  1. RANGER! *pounce for sexehness*

    Ya, Puppet’s cool. *drool* It’s even fun-ner when you cast it in a FM and watch everyone else try to whack it. ^^

    And I threaten to roast/stew/barbeque my Black Piggy after it disobeys me too much.

    Good luck to lvl 80!

  2. I threaten to do all sort of unseemly things to my Penguin .*CoughThrowItIntoTheBonfireWithAFireCrackerTiedOnCough*


    Now to cookinate everyone 8D

  3. SNIPER! *pounce for sexehness*

    Yeah, I ripped that off Silver’s post. So sue me.

    Squid touch damage hurts x_X

  4. I just like to go to the squidies, prod them, and watch them waste their ink as I float away.

    But once upon a time, I saw a purple coloured squidy, prodded it and died -_-


  5. I shall have to forward Silver’s pounce to Moon. He should get a kick out of it. XD

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