One thing I noticed about some (a mojority) of females in Windia:
They like to act like bishes thinking it’s real cute then when someone gives them attitude they act like they never had it coming.
Case in point: I smega something about SouledOut being an STD and a girl chats invites me, doesn’t talk directly to me when I enter the room (which I hate when people do that, I mean I’m taking time to enter your chat, don’t talk about me like I’m not there). Talks to her friend about me saying “It’s a girl”, I point out that she’s a retard and she says she doesn’t like me. I love how smart girls can be sometimes. LYKE OMG ITZ A GURL. LYKE OMGZ TEH SKY IZ BLOO GRASS IS GREEN IM TOO STOOPID TO KNOW JUST HOW CUTE IM NOT <333
Yeah, I might be a hypocrite but I don’t go out of my way to be a dumbass. I do it when it’s convenient lulz
The time has come for me to broaden my uh MMO horizons. I don’t mean like what I did with all the other MMORPGs that I downloaded and deleted after 2-3 minutes. I mean like I ordered Guild Wars on Friday. Yes, I am worried about the 3D aspect messing up my equilibrium or w.e and me lying in bed for several hours trynna not puke.
So why am I going to Guild Wars or playing less Maple?
1) Windia is filled with idjits and only the people on my BL, anyone with an IQ above room temp or mah guildies don’t piss me off to no end.
2) That guy I love has left Windia, he plays Guild Wars and talked me into getting it
3) Maple people in general are pissing me off
4) Nexon is pissing me off (they stole $60 from me, long story, not getting into it)
5) It is becoming more apparent to me how difficult it is to run a successful guild and I need a break to change up my game plan
6) I’m moving soon and I will be offline while we switch over the internet/cable crap and should get used to being offline for a bit
Important note that people don’t seem to understand: No where ever did I say that I was quitting. For people that have difficulty reading:
I R NOT LEVING MAPPLE. I am not quitting Maple. I am not quitting Windia. I am not leaving my guild. I am simply GOING TO PLAY LESS.
I told Cheeze he was in charge on weekends while I’m away (him and Ganzi) because god knows why I trust those two so much.
Also, I’m not leaving ’cause of a guy. I’m playing less for my own enjoyment, I just happen to enjoy his company.
My guild is STAYING AS IS until further notice but I am seriously considering deleting everyone and re-inviting people who notice they were kicked. I will be more strict on recruiting, making a level limit (my MMOTalers are free to join so long as they don’t quit like jerks thing is still in effect). I hate that my guild is a temp guild to certain people. Those people must go. Cheeze may not go. >=[
Obviously I’d never quit Djien, especially at level 65.
Some people seem to enjoy making assumptions that leave others confused. Some people like to pretend they know everything. Some people like to rub it in certain other people’s face about my personal business that have nothing to do with Maple.
In other news, FIVE MORE LEVELS. YEAH.
@Dee: DEEEEEEE!<3 (don’t forget to buddy meh so you can have more apple insanity
Heh. I saw that Sandelle girl in channel one Henesys. I’mma go harass her ass. COME, GANZICUS!
:] -hugs our kid-
Your link failed T_T
I wanna play Maplestory badly
But first, Khaini is the first priority!
I got unused NX over there
Try link
Both links work for me. o.o
lulz liok applebomb u r teh bawmb digggity~
u charakter luk hawt.
I NO RITE?!?!?!
Pussycat Doll’s ‘Don’t Cha’ playin’ right now, dood. Somehow suitable. XD
i play gw but not that much >.>
-Boob grope-
OMG your fred storage guy is on top of the portal? 0_o
Hes to our left in msea.
Lol, yeah, the storage guy is up there so that he can never come down and has to work and work and get food tossed up from below
And you were talking to me on the ss
Aw its ok, a lot of guys in windia are nice to my unfunded thingy i made in windia to stalk you guys 0_0
You. Have. GUILD WARS TOO!?! D: <
Nightfall plawks? O:
but if you leave applepie whos gonna be there to make fun of that one smelly guy?!
u and only a few other people r teh only things that kee my joyful about maple
factions? >.>
I don’t know a THING about gw, it’s what my guy told me to get
really? =O
one of my top five pplz no leaving!
OMG TOP FIVE?!?! Dee, I lobs joo.
i thought u culd tell o.o
its actually top three but im not pullin any straws
i luffles uz 2 =D
Hiya Dj
: D