One Man Wrecking Machine

Maybe some of you might have recognized a certain victim of constant abuse that I post embarrassing things about in my blogs. Ever since I logged on to see him in guild one day, I’ve never figured out why he’s stuck around in guild from level 7X to now 97. Yesterday we were messing around in Niora Hospital in Kerning (or w.e. it’s called) and he tells me he’s gonna quit AppleBomb when he hits 100. He needs to GPQ and do Zruns and stuff.
I won’t pretend not to understand this. I know. I think I’d do the same thing if I was him. It doesn’t make me feel any better. I feel horrible and very sad. I think I take for granted that people stick around. Many people on my b-list are just not there anymore. I feel bad because I know full and well that I am difficult to keep in touch with. It just won’t be the same. It won’t be the same at all. Where else will we find a “bichcake”? Who will be the one to lighten the mood? Who’s gonna take the fall for situations completely irrelevant to them? Who will I blame for dying? WHO WILL BUY MY 6 INT THORNS?!
He’s the most unpretentious high level I know… Despite what a certain buddy might think (it was probably one of the girls playing on his account anyways). I don’t like bad people. And I know Mark’s not bad. He’s just fat. Fat and promiscuous. And smelly. I’ll never forget the time I died because he didn’t kill that C-Rog.
And… I’m just not as close to my buddylist as I am to my guild (except for a few people).

Last night, my maple husband, Unkissed, wanted to quit as well. I’m not completely sure why but I can’t help but feel like I made something go wrong. Everyone talks about leaving.

Apart from all that, I’ve been working hard on levelling at least once a week. I might just make priest before Thanksgiving.

In happier news (and somewhat related to my maple husband seeming unhappy), it seems my SMegas are good for something. =]
They got me a creepy guy calling me every night and making me very happy. I am completely infatuated with my creepy guy. AND he doesn’t live in a different time zone. -sigh-

I spent the whole day painting walls and now I’m sad and tired and happy and exhausted.

^^ best music video ever
Because I said so

19 thoughts on “One Man Wrecking Machine”

  1. I did it a billion blogs ago and I was watching it today so I did it again heh
    I only like that one song, though T_T they’re okay.

  2. Eona was talking about disbanding the guild too.

    Maybe there’s this mysterious mind storm going around, messing up with the guilds of Maple. [/conspiracy theorist]

  3. How weird! Amoureux is doing awesomely. :’o Odd, odd. Pretend you’re us and do well. <3 ask him to rejoin AppleBomb after his Zruns and his GPQs o_o?

  4. Mark is a very good ham. I’mma buddy that sweet, voluptuous ham before I lose him for good.

  5. LOL XD


    CONSPIRACIES! >=O try bribing them with violence? o wait thats not right =.=

    but then that might work on warr1oran1me

    darn masochist >=[

    and i can relate to maple hubbies wanting to quit. for some reason not realizing that if they quit, theres no common ground after that >.>

    i suggest using vats of caramel and nuts to make and example of him! caramel apples anyone!?!


  6. OMG DEE.
    You gave me an idea.
    I will bribe him with nuts.

    Cheezeh, if by ham you meant fat and porky, then yah, he a ham.

  7. T.T Yes Djien, you’re more to your guild than to the buddy list, and even worse, TO ME! -sobs- I am totally adding your main D: Or maybe not. . That means I have to click. . [thinks] Argh, about like 5 times and typing too! T.T

  8. Well,a guild is never eazy to run.
    Incendiary was my 3rd,rather 2nd offical guild i ever ran.
    (The 1st was lame,the 2nd was disbanded to make the 3rd)
    Aniway i got a job and kinda wasnt active enuf to run the guild thus,

    A REAL guild is made out loyal members,not massive amount of pro high lv rich people.One almost impossible to creat.
    A guildleader is effective in running it,meeting the needs,fairness (in this case enertainment and help) and social stuff in a guild.
    A Guild is how a guildleader and her/his members bond together and have fun together in a mmorpg.

    Whoever wants to leave,let them be.Inface kick them on the spot.
    You dont need them in your guild,as they do not see themselves as part of a guild,but meerly using it for their own means.
    You have to understand people are living beings with a mind of their own.Their choice is their choice,you have no right to change them.And since they have minds,they can think.They are not little innocent children that you can almost command at your will.Whatever they feel think and do,you cannot control it.
    What you REALLY WANT are loyal members,be it low leveled or inactive.
    You dont want to waste your time and leadership on people that dont appreaceate this kinds of things,right?

    Well,my guild is dying as a result of me having a job.
    But i left it due to varuous i shant name reasons and am now going to rebuilt it.
    Rebuilt it,along with the so FEW but LOYAL members.
    Loyalty,to me,is above all others.

    Applebomb’s fate is in your hands.What will you do with those hands (rather mouse pointers) that can creat and destory it?

  9. I think the last thing I would do is break up my guild for one person. The one member who’s leaving is just a good friend of mine and I don’t want him to leave for that one reason. I’d like to think if not for the guild, then he’s loyal to me.
    My guild is not strong in any sense other than social closeness.

    There is a large gap in levels, the person that is leaving is level 97 whereas the majority is level 20-45. And personally, I never thought to organize events. It’s more like we end up gathering in the FM to fool around.

    I believe that if I was more strict in guild recruiting there wouldn’t be such a gap that might cause this sort of problem. However, I honestly did and still do believe that level doesn’t matter so much.

    I’d like to believe my members are loyal. But it’s been too many times that I put faith in people and they leave carelessly. I hardly think I’m strong or responsible enough to build a strong AND close guild but I still wouldn’t give up my members for anything. It’s just hard to appeal to them all at once. =/

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