(might have somewhat explicit content, I just don’t know)
I seriously need someone to explain to me why noobs are so hated.
So I’m level 54, therefore I am so lame that I can’t defend my friends and my guild?
I gotta shut my mouth and let people harrass me and my friends because at level 54 I am less than a person.
If you read my wedding post there was a certain anal pore that relentlessly spammed me during my wedding and while I was trying to do that quest with all my wedding guests waiting on me. This person is KillShadow05. I’m gonna put his name right here since he doesn’t seem to have a problem with others knowing just how rude he can be.
During the wedding he spammed calling me a “wh0re” telling me to die because I swore at him for trying to make me lag out when I was already lagging badly (today we learned that his logic was: crappy computer=completely abstain from MMO games).
Today I was in the FreeMarket meeting a friend who wanted me to go see his new Pick Pocket Pilfer or whatever it’s called and I saw that guy run past. Of course, he didn’t know Lovitt was me so I did that thing again that I did last time I had a bit of a battle with someone on Lovitt, I pretended that Djien was the guild leader and a completely different person from Lovitt (Yes, I r schitzo). My friend ran ahead of me and told people to defame him and called him a “f@g” (though I asked him to stop and not swear, I told everyone to watch their mouths). The guy called us noobs like it made a difference. Every other word was “noob”. I told him to chill out and that we just wanted an apology. He called me a “slut” and told me to “stfu”.
I tried to reason with him but he just called me a noob and the aforementioned obscenities. He made it clear that he couldn’t speak without being profane and rude. I tried to think up some high levelled buddies who might help me reason with him or at least intimidate him into listening but one ignored me, one wasn’t higher than him and the only one who listened: Sweet Christi, a.k.a. Smidiot. I’d like to think he was intimidated what with her standing there with that sexy Kage.
Well he went and got the person in charge of his guild and my friends (though I love them to death and really appreciate them), those two silly boys, were still swearing at him so it didn’t help matters. At first the leader girl was kinda annoyed at us and defensive but I was still being reasonable (which that jerk was putting me down for asking me whether I was too young to hear profanity and telling me to just stfu). I chatted her and explained the situation-that her guild member was a jerk and almost, well, did, ruin my wedding. She admitted that she would have been annoyed and swore, too (and I swore at that guy baaad, I mean ever hear of “bridezilla”?) and said she would make him apologize if I made my friends apologize as well.
And I did. Sin didn’t want to but he did it for me. The guy just said “w/e”. Then later the girl whispered me and said that she couldn’t get him to apologize because Lovitt cursed at him. I said a total of 3 bad words to him and a total of 10 words total to him ever on Lovitt. He called me a “slut”, “wh0r3” and “noob” every other sentence and he talked a lot.
The girl apologized sincerely for him which I appreciate and admire. Her name was “Aelana” and I’m gonna remember to fame her.
To be honest, I’m more confused than pissed off now. I don’t know why being a “noob” is such a big insult. I don’t know what your level has anything to do with the way you treat people. I’m sure you’ve all heard this a billion times but I really don’t get why being level 54 makes him think I’m so low that I’m not capable of sticking up for myself or my friends. “Stop trying to act big?”
I didn’t swear at him once the whole time. I just told him to chill and listen to reason. His response was that I wasn’t in the position to reason with him. This person makes me sick. Not because he’s rude and profane. Because his logic is so based around ranking that it’s a pity that someone like that has a place in Maple.
I know I say sometimes that high levels can be mean but the ones I have met, the two in my guild (Cheezeh and Mark) and the other two that I have met from MMOT (Christi, Grimno, someone else I can’t remember dude I’m sorry) and my old guild masters (ok so only Indervir) and several other people that I have met in the 7-8 months that I played maple make me know otherwise. Even though I have a bit of ego myself, I know that I’m not the only person who wouldn’t put rank ahead of the fact that people are human beings.
Also, Cheeze caught the boquet. You know what that means. He’s the next blushing bride. I poke fun at him because he’s one of my favorite people now. Yes, you are. =D *coughheadmittedthathelovesacertainpriestfromthissiteaswellaswindiacough*
Oh, as for the re-wedding, it went without some key people (Ganzicus, again) but we got it over with. Thanks to people who gave me gifts!! I didn’t ask but whoever gave me the LeFay Jester: you freaking rock. I don’t remember all my gifts but I honestly loved every single one, including that axe, the 17 attack garnier, the 69 mesos and water that Cheeze gave me after hitting on my friends, all of it.
The most interesting thing in the wedding was how Cheezeh, Mark (warr1oran1me), and I were the only ones to get onyx boxes/not die/not get confused and do nothing. I got some kinda dew from my box and not the mountain kind.
I’m worn out. I’m gonna make a post with all the screenies if anyone wanted to see in maybe a few days. I hope everyone has a good weekend and a good back to school if that started recently!
Good Night!
(oooh! and a moment to brag, if you will: guess who’s getting rid of the lag-o-matic crap piece she uses now for an alienware, that’s right, hell yesssssssss ;D)
Hmm I wanted to harass that guy. D:
Well, congratz on the re-wedding. Now you have a smexy $25 ring to show off. >O
Andandand, gratz on the new smexy computer. Death to Ganzicus!
I forgot to add that people should discreetly sneak up on him (don’t say anything), report him, and leave. He needs to be banned until he can handle being around other human beings.
WTH, I heard nothing of this! Waaaaaah!
You think I might be the priest cheezy loves? Oh wait, dammit, I don’t got a priest, *goes on MS and makes priest! Wait, what Im not gay, NO, 768 hours wasted on making a priest!
~LaZzz. . .
Who said he was gay? =D
Don’t kill me.
Yaaaaay, hoorah for teh 69 mesos. ;D
And uh. . Basically, what Cheeze said.
You’re. . .getting. . .an. . .ALIENWARE?
-Is totally jealous-
And I dunno, it’s ironic how lvl 18 thieves are calling us noobs D:<
lawls gratz0rz to you!
and I totally agree about how some people judge you just because of your lvl. .__.
alienware RAWKS LUCKY YOU!
ahh such jealousy burns my heart T.T
-Is totally jealous-“
You don’t know, even though AlienWare is stuffed up as it is it still costs a arm and a leg, and and and basic AlienWare just doesn’t cut it, you gotta buy processors too, and a few other hard drives to really produce the wonders of Alienware. . .
My friend started with a basic package, then ended up paying a few more thousand dollars. . . =.=’ The price compared to the speed isn’t as good, since any normal desktop or laptop can be stored with extra processors (good ones), and the CPU speed will practically be the same. . .
— Anyway.
You know how the community it is today. . . I made a new character currently level 23, and tried leading in KPQ. By golly, you should see the attitudes of the rude (underage) year olds that has no respect at all. I was in a channel, the party inside just came out, and a member of my party DC’d, and I missed (obviously), and the two other members were like: “noob click@@@” and just left without warning. . . T^T”
Even in the higher levels, you can’t see them in real life right? So swearing is quite easy, since the people aren’t face to face. . he’s probably american (not saying that’s bad), but you know how most american parents never beat their kids.
(remembers Russel Peters)
Congrats on yuur wedding~ Happy Honeymoon. And and and, good luck APQing! You’d get rich that way. :I
-Is totally jealous-“
You don’t know, even though AlienWare is stuffed up as it is it still costs a arm and a leg, and and and basic AlienWare just doesn’t cut it, you gotta buy processors too, and a few other hard drives to really produce the wonders of Alienware. . .
My friend started with a basic package, then ended up paying a few more thousand dollars. . . =.=’ The price compared to the speed isn’t as good, since any normal desktop or laptop can be stored with extra processors (good ones), and the CPU speed will practically be the same. . .
— Anyway.
You know how the community it is today. . . I made a new character currently level 23, and tried leading in KPQ. By golly, you should see the attitudes of the rude (underage) year olds that has no respect at all. I was in a channel, the party inside just came out, and a member of my party DC’d, and I missed (obviously), and the two other members were like: “noob click@@@” and just left without warning. . . T^T”
Even in the higher levels, you can’t see them in real life right? So swearing is quite easy, since the people aren’t face to face. . he’s probably american (not saying that’s bad), but you know how most american parents never beat their kids.
(remembers Peter Russels)
Congrats on yuur wedding~ Happy Honeymoon. And and and, good luck APQing! You’d get rich that way. :I”
Russel Peters* And he said white people never beat their kids.
You’ve got the definition of ‘noob’ wrong. A noob is an illiterate retard who goes around acting like a piece of crap. (Ex. The beggars who run around saying ‘m0535 plzzzzzzzzzzzzz’)
Based on what little I can gather about you from your blogs and screenshots, you are neither illiterate nor do you go around begging for meso/attempting to duplicate other people’s items. Meaning his ‘diss’ has little effect on you.
Lol, yeah it’s pricing but I got the money to spare. This thing that I use now doesn’t cut it. It lags openning Internet Explorer, I can never get on Maple in the first 2 tries either.
And as for the jerk, I assumed that he gets the crap beaten outta him in school. That or he’s 12 or a P.M.S.ing G.I.R.L. that happens to be jealous of my good looks. Yes, I will settle with jealousy! =D
And I made it obvious who he lurves, I’m not outting him completely gosh!
Cheezeh rawks.
o_o Lolz jealousy. Yes it was total jealousy ;D. Sorry I was away for the most part xP. I don’t usually go away, but my dad was just being an irritation, if I must say. Oh, your friend, Mark, I met him in the FM yesterday
. I was talking to my other friend, called Mark though. . o.o
Cheezeh and Grimno? NO WAI.
Thanks for the fame djien =3
You know, I had a chance yesterday night to apq with hefferheffer. And I missed it. =[
-Is totally jealous-“
You don’t know, even though AlienWare is stuffed up as it is it still costs a arm and a leg, and and and basic AlienWare just doesn’t cut it, you gotta buy processors too, and a few other hard drives to really produce the wonders of Alienware. . .
My friend started with a basic package, then ended up paying a few more thousand dollars. . . =.=’ The price compared to the speed isn’t as good, since any normal desktop or laptop can be stored with extra processors (good ones), and the CPU speed will practically be the same. . .
— Anyway.
You know how the community it is today. . . I made a new character currently level 23, and tried leading in KPQ. By golly, you should see the attitudes of the rude (underage) year olds that has no respect at all. I was in a channel, the party inside just came out, and a member of my party DC’d, and I missed (obviously), and the two other members were like: “noob click@@@” and just left without warning. . . T^T”
Even in the higher levels, you can’t see them in real life right? So swearing is quite easy, since the people aren’t face to face. . he’s probably american (not saying that’s bad), but you know how most american parents never beat their kids.
(remembers Peter Russels)
Congrats on yuur wedding~ Happy Honeymoon. And and and, good luck APQing! You’d get rich that way. :I”
Russel Peters* And he said white people never beat their kids.
You’ve got the definition of ‘noob’ wrong. A noob is an illiterate retard who goes around acting like a piece of crap. (Ex. The beggars who run around saying ‘m0535 plzzzzzzzzzzzzz’)
Based on what little I can gather about you from your blogs and screenshots, you are neither illiterate nor do you go around begging for meso/attempting to duplicate other people’s items. Meaning his ‘diss’ has little effect on you.”
[Long Quote] =O
Thanks for correcting me. XD