
The consequences of SMegas were unimaginable. (Btw, In YOUR endo!)

To be completely honest, I thought most people were like me and just plain didn’t read them. People do, apparently and I got one or two people telling me how funny I am (ego expands) and others with crude and ignorant insults (ego shrivels).

For all the people in Windia who responded kindly *coughdarkdragooncough*, thank you and I’m sorry you had to see that.

Apart from that, I smega’d and seriously need to get into some kind of NX addiction rehab.
I am now so broke from Smegas. I spent well over $60 in the past month or so (I believe).

I also levelled after all. I think I might make priest sometime before the year ends. Undoubtfully, Kia will probably out-level me soon. Heck, GanzicusTM probably will, too.

Gotta get back on, enjoy this new, horrible but space saving collage of the past week.

11 thoughts on “Innuendo”

  1. EHhahhaehahueuhahhehahhheheueuhahhehueuehahahhahahehehahehheahhhaehheaheahehhhaehhehhhheahehhe uh oh, why is mom coming towards me with a large needle o.o RUNNNNNNNNNN!

  2. I stay away from Smegas now. They’re… terribly addicting and always deplete so fast. D:

  3. yer thats kool =) but i don’t even have NX to buy them lol -_-” lol i trin to get some but if i do i problu won’t buy the Smegaes =) thxn for telling me tho thnx
    my ING is : joshoo6 =)

  4. Quack, I’m not on crack. I’m on Stim. Get your facts right.


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