Starting off!

A few weeks ago, I had created a Maplestory account.
Now I want to summarize my results.
I had some friends at school who played Maplestory and they helped me out quite a bit.
I got a yellow rose. (Is it efficent of rare?)

If you are redaing this blog and play Maplestory, please include in your reply your username, world, level, and class.

7 thoughts on “Starting off!”

  1. Hi Anyuan~

    Glacier123, Broa, level 92, Ranger.

    Welcome to MapleStory!

    And, a yellow rose is kind of rare. You can’t get it anymore (it was Valentine’s exclusive), so hold onto it!

  2. O_O

    I got loads of accounts, so I won’t bother bragging off o’ them. *brags about 1xx characters and such*

    Anyways, depends on the ATK of the rose really. . . if it is efficient, it’ll have to suit your job, and yada yada yada.
    And I’m not sure if it’s rare, people still drop them everywhere. >.>;

  3. Welcome to Maplestory!

    My names chidori1000 i play in Scania and im lvl 48 and cleric ive been playing Maplestory for 1 year 1 month and 3 days exactly!

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