The title will be explained later on. ;D
Also, no Emo-ness was involved in writing this. Emo’s still locked up in the emo-corner, so no worries. ;D
Yeah. To all you people who’s probably going: ‘WHO’S THIS PERSON OMGOMG DEFAME PLZOMGOMGLOL’, I’m Anni. I used to comment and blog more on MMOTales, but now.. -Goes emo-
I don’t have anything to say anymore.
Nothing pops into my mind while I’m posting, blogging, or chatting to my friends. The insane ideas don’t scream out at me, and I’ve seem to well. Age. I used to be more random, energetic and quirky. But something’s gone wrong. And I don’t know what.
MapleStory has dulled my mind.
I know. In Global Maple Story, I was perfectly all right. But I left. I left behind my Buddy List who kept my mind active, who entertained me, who helped me. I ditched them all for MapleSEA.
What’s the problem with MapleSEA?
Well. My buddy list and I cannot communicate. I don’t understand their slang, and they don’t understand mine. Besides, they’ve all grown into such high-leveled people. High-leveled people who hardly talk at all. Traders, levelling freaks, FM-haunters. They discuss prices, items, and gossip about people. They’ve turned into strangers.
My old guild, NiCo.
I used to regard it as the best guild I’d ever been in.
Oh. . .
It was my first time at the dark squid maps. I had rarely ventured out of the cold valley of El Nath. Potions were delivered to me through my friends. I had become famous for it. That priest that always trained at zombies. Always. That was what they called me. And I made no action to change it. I’d never admit it, but I was afraid.
Afraid of what lay outside the maps. Afraid of people. Afraid of. . . everything. I had been deceived by an acquaintence. He had told me to go to the squid maps. I. . I had been terrified. Leave the zombie maps? Leave safety? I had politely declined, yet he persisted, like a dog that wouldn’t let go of a bone.
Come to the squid maps, he had said. The experience there is much better, and you don’t have to use so many potions. My resolve began to waver. The zombies had provided me with great experience, from the second I had set foot in the snow-covered lands. But now, when I was level 92. . . I had to admit that the experience was not as great as it was, ten levels ago, but the mesos was all right. I told that to my friend, and when he replied, he shook his head in frustration.
I could understand his frustration. He was offering me so much, yet I refused to take it, preferring to take the lesser pile. Declining the gold and taking the copper. So he struck a deal with me. If I went, and still thought the zombie maps were incomparable, he would pay me five-hundred thousand mesos, and train with me for the rest of the morning.
The deal was irresistable.
I had mesos. I was high-leveled. I could easily kill the zombies in one hit. Yet it was lonely, training solo. I desired company. That was my one weak spot. And he knew it.
So I went. I left the zombies with a lingering unease. What if something goes wrong? How much oxygen does my oxygen tank contain? Will it be enough? Will I die? What if. . I had reached the small cave in which I could enter the squid maps. I glanced at it uncertainly. What if. . ‘ANNI. JUST GET IN HERE.’
A face ducked out of the cave, and I dropped my Emergency Tube in shock. ‘What the hell?’ The owner of the voice swore, and climbed out of the cave. It was my friend. He knew me well enough to know I was afraid. But he didn’t know me too well. He didn’t know I refused to be seen as weak. He took my hand, and I grimaced, but let him lead me into the squid maps.
The first person I saw was a hermit with a green pilfer. ‘Yo’ he muttered to me, sending me a buddy request. I accepted. And that probably changed everything.
The next time I saw the hermit was at El Nath. At that time, I was popular at the Zombie Maps. Very popular. I had plenty of guild requests, from already great guilds, to yet-to-be-great guilds. I declined all of them. Strange as it seemed, I preferred to be alone, when it came to guilds. I had made many friends, like the dragon knight that was accompanying me to a Yeti and Pepe party. ‘Hey Anni.’
I turned to see who had called my name. It was the hermit that I mentioned, clothed in green, wearing a helmet that clamped around his head.
‘Congratulations on the Zakum Helmet.’ At that time, I didn’t even know his name. ‘Thanks.’ He grinned at me, and noticed the dragon knight behind me. ‘Ah. I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone.’ My face. He stared at me, alarmed.
‘I’m married.’ The dragon knight’s voice shook with barely concealed laughter. ‘Whoops~ Sorry ’bout that.So. . I’ll be seeing you later, Anni and the dragon knight friend. Zakum servives.’ There was absolutely no awkward silences involved; this was another thing I loved about him. He smiled at me, and flashed jumped off. As he went, I heard him mumur.
‘Train hard, Anni.’
He was the person in my Buddy List I had least contact with. We barely spoke, and when we did, it was about unimportant matters. That was until he created the guild.
He would be helping me to level, trying to help me acquire my Zakum Helm, organising parties in guild, and settling all the usual guild arguements. I loved training with him, and declined training with my other friends. Unknowingly, I became his ‘personal priest’. He became my best friend, and my teacher.
Now, the guild is like a demolished building. Grandness gone, and looking as if it had just survived a nuclear bomb. People don’t talk much. Only when he’s online. And then it progressed to be just a name and a picture underneath our in-game-names. He was depressed, and had left MapleStory for another game, Defence Of The Ancients, commonly known as Dota.
That all happened when I was having fun in GMS with my friends. And it was that guilt that made me leave them, leave them for the abandoned wreck of a guild, and a torn up buddylist. But I don’t regret the choice. He began playing Dota less and less.
Then this happened. I became fed-up. Nexon wanted me in EMS so much? Well, fine. Fine! I joined EMS.
To hell with Nexon. They want to box us up? Well. I didn’t really care that much anymore. I was blind in anger, grief, and annoyance. I had just managed to piece the guild back up again, and that had to happen. So I joined, and made an assasin. I wanted to be as powerful as my best friend.
I called her Past.
I started out with Subis, and struggled. I longed for Gachapon, or anything that might gain me any mesos. Nothing happened, and I continued whacking snails, lounging on my rest chair and sighning. I got a 2x Experience coupon as a desperate hope for me to level up. And it went quite well.
I bought a kitty, and named it Tense. You know. Past Tense. ;D And I quote: ‘Indeed pathetic.’
Then I randomly chatted to a Level 53 bandit. There had to be someone friendly in EMS. Seriously. He introduced himself as Shaun, and gave me kumbis. <3 Iwuvyoushaun. ;D
Auto emotes suck. Link problem ;D
Time to lighten up~
And the muffin army decided against sending the Parakeet Platoon to infect the minds of MMOTalers, as having humans parroting every word you said wasn’t althogether that pleasant, and coffee sweets were pwn’d by passing cheese pies that flew to purple sheeps that cut themselves. The guild of Pie then decided to discuss the activities of Jean-Luc Picard at a stretch where bubblegum was used as postcards.
Well, today I went into MapleSEA again. Y’know. Desperate measures. Dan was slipping into Dota again. AND. . OHMIGAWDIGOTINOMGOMGOMG <3 *HYPED* WHEEEEEEEEE <333
And went to the new map, Leafre. Screenies are.. Next time. I had a feud with my Scroll Lock button. You wouldn’t understand. ;D
On teh flying penguin tooh LEAFRE!
I love the bird. It has cute little penguin eggs on it’s head, and most importantly:
I met a fellow guild member. ;D But he was a friend on the guild member’s account. O: Still. . He was liekawesome ;D
I WUV J00, SY. <3
Look at the pretty flower. LOOK AT EEET.
And that concludes it.
Here’s a screenie of a freaking huge tomato, at Perion. I’d just leveled to 11, and I was taking the customary tour of. . . OMGOMG VICTORIAOMG~ ;D And at Perion. . .
I can click in, but I can’t tolerate the ‘last minute keaving’.
One person left ’cause I refused to give him a NX puppy.
On the other hand, I met a literate person ;D ‘Starbright’.
In leafre, I saw some egg-hugging arses.
According to the guy with the long hair, they guarded dragon eggs, and in return, the dragons protected them. Egg-worshippers. -Shakes head- I’ve seen worse.
All’s balanced. The good, the bad, and the plain idiotic.
What’s with the no-comments?
zomgggg. uhh. I dunno O.o
How good’s Leafre?
And I still have the screeny of you smegaing my track while I was in OPQ >:[
i categorize this blog ‘Rawkin Blog’!
~Cheezy <—haha its still mine >=]
that was brilliant!
~LaZzz. . .
Wait, you started to play EMS after level 92? I thought you were 122 or something before it came out. D:
Good to see you’ve blogged though, dear Anni. Your last blog was posted on the same day my parents died. ._.
Whoa Anni you blogged again! Good to see you again. And you can’t complain on the no-comments, because you never comment on my stories either lol.
-=The Nazgul=-
Good to see you’ve blogged though, dear Anni. Your last blog was posted on the same day my parents died. ._.”
Sorreh to hear that Cheezy O.o
Good to see you’ve blogged though, dear Anni. Your last blog was posted on the same day my parents died. ._.”
Are you bloody serious? O_O
Boo, Anni, yuur in that Video of the Singapore tour. =O And you don’t play gMS anymores right?
MapleSEA has Leafre?!
Youdidn’t know? Talk about living in a well.
Anni, they fixed the up. You can sign back on now! Please come back. ._.
Before I continue reading this blog: I’d like to note that a tear leaked every time I saw the word “emo”.
Ooh. O:
I’m expecting a tongue-lashing to be dished out pretty soon.
I’m expecting Godzilla to come!
*nods head*
yup yup yup!
~LaZzz. . .