My Topsy-Turvry Day~

“so many changes today”. That’s putting it pretty lightly -.- VERY lightly in fact..

Lets see…

CHANGE #1 : < pic 1 >
Bunny Slippers -.-“”

I felt that Green shoes didn’t really go with my obnoxious-someone’s-11-year-old-cousin-style. After much consideration<about 36 seconds> I decided to get some bunny slippers to go with the bunny claw. You can call me a bunny fan if you want.. xD

CHANGE #2 : < pic 2 >

He changed his tanned skin to.. a FAIR SKIN THAT MADE HIM LOOK SO GOD-DAMNED WEIRD oops =x can’t swear . Too emo -.-

-5 mins of mediating later-

Back 😀 He changed his bow for a angel-like one and got a.. Tiger Tail -.-

But the WORST part <Oh yeah, you are thinking.Oh yeah, this can’t actually get any worser cuz it’s the worst already> It can get worse . Now he looks like all the other people. Not unique, weird, standing-out-of-the-crowd anymore . I told him that it was..REALLY REALLY BAD AND HE SHOULDN’T HAVE CHANGED HIS LOOKS AND OMG HE LOOKS SO WEIRD *cough cough*

He told me he would be right back. A few minutes later.. he pmed me again. He was back to his good old tanned self 😀 *does a little skip in the air* Ah, and he came to Ludibrium to find me xD We were fighting, and a nub 100+ chief bandit whose name was simontan2 came to ks me with NO REASON AT ALL What’s the world coming to?

CHANGE #3 < Pic 3 and 4 >
Not exactly counted as a change, but I’ll say it changed how much A-Cash I had<for you MapleGlobal players, Its NX-cash>

I had so much fun playing Assasin, hurling Steelies at any monster that came near me.. and occasionally getting owned my a Master Chronos -.- I decided to alert my entire BL<Buddy List> to add me. I was going to play ‘sin more than Priest. Hey don’t be too shocked -.- I was too lazy to personally go into my Priest to tell them, so I mega-ed.

The response.. was err.. bad . My BL FLOOODEDDDDD me in chat invite and whispers. Some other guys who I once partied somewhere whispered me and told me not to quit . I was so touched.. *tear runs down my cheek* I decided to give it another thought . I was going to “quit” my Lvl 116 Priest,the character I took so much pain with, the one who I had invested my time in, the character who had joked and lamed around with everyone. The pain was so too much to bear.. <If this is too emo for you, skip it> So.. I DECIDED TO PLAY MY PRIEST~ AND QUIT MY SIN~

All of my friends were so happy ^^ Guys, NiCo Guild and everyone who I know, you all ROCK till the sky falls down!

CHANGE #4 : < pic 5 >
Guild Notice..< aww this part is so darn funny that you have to read it >

When I logged in Priest, I got flooded again -.- If you want to be flooded, think twice.. It was too much for me T.T and i blocked pm so only my Buddy List and Guild could communicate with me . Lamed around Aqua Road with xGunGraveODx and my BL.. a sample conversation:

MeeturMaker has just logged in.

MeeturMaker: yo all

Annikabelle:Hi Meetur

MeeturMaker: Yo Anni, but its GMAMeeturMaker to you

Annikabelle: has just dropped ‘MeeturMaker’s level of fame . [x10]

MeeturMaker: Aww.. ur just jealous .

Annikabelle: has just dropped MeeturMaker’s level of fame . [spams it]

MeeturMaker: you can only fame someone once a day .

Annikabelle: I have Fame hack .

MeeturMaker:Annikabelle has been banned for 60 days for using Fame Hack .

Annikabelle: has just dropped MeeturMaker’s level of fame . [spams it]

[rest of BL] spams either :——-:has just dropped ‘Annikabelle’s level of fame .


———:Annikabelle has just been banned for 60 days for using Fame Hack

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz my BL is full of GMS and Fame hack users..

Pic 5 is the funiest . You have to refer to it,.. I give you 10 seconds.


When xGinGraveODx first tyoed that.. I almost got a heart attack. The guild notice has exactly the smae shade of colour as the thing that says : You have just play Maple Story for 1 hour(s). The rest of NiCo went bersek too.. zzz Try this if you are a Jr Master in your guild..

I managed to get a Steely at one of the clocks :DD <not sure what it’s name is>

14 thoughts on “My Topsy-Turvry Day~”

  1. ROFL at the guild notice. Oh that made me have a heart attack too. *But Imppala’s insanity extends to his heart, which goes back up nd he revives*

    And promptly dies of laughter again. Oh well.

  2. Flippin’ heck, =X I understand that my hair looks that bad . Err, Pernament Bad-Hair day 😀

  3. Verbose you are NOT going to crash NiCo, Shikonsin won;t be very happy -.- <He’s in my BL>

  4. someone did the same thing in my guild that happened in picture 5~i just got back from getting an ice cream sandwich and i thought the message was real cuz the color’s the same/btw a jr. said “You have played MapleStory for 60hour(s). You’re a nerd so get a life!”

  5. Lmao @ guild notice. One time I said “You have played MapleStory for 24 hour(s). Get your fat butt of that chair and get a life.”
    Except it wasn’t a guild notice. But that gives me an idea, xD

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