intransigent (adjective) – characterized by refusal to compromise or to abandon an extreme position or attitude : uncompromising.
Dear Readers,
This author suggest not getting yourself involve with intransigent people. While doing Domain of Anguish, Nightfall Elite Area, I came upon such person.
If any of you have tried doing any one of the four areas there, you will come to realize that teamwork is needed, and you have to have the right skill bar in order to complete one entire.
I happen to join a Ravenheart Gloom group, because my significant other wishes to possess the Green Shield (Aegis of Terror) that drops only from the boss of that area.
When it was almost time to embark on our mission, we were all ask to “ping” our skill bars to make sure that we have all the skills that we will need to complete the mission. Our “tank”, the warrior, happen to be missing a couple of skills. We all tried to warn him, and he said he had all the skills that he needed, so we headed out.
While we were inside the “cave” (the second part of Gloom) I noticed that the “Tank” kept getting his “OF” interrupted. As the “SB” monk, he blamed me for the death of the group because he died and a giant mob wiped out the entire group.
When we got back to the outpost, I explained to him that I, alone, cannot keep up SB on him at all time, as it is impossible. But he insisted that I was indeed the cause of the deaths.
Again, I tried to explain that I am suppose to chain my SB with his OF, so that it will prevent him from getting Hex. He argued that he kept getting interrupted because I didn’t have SB up. “That is why you carry Glyph Of Concentration”.
The rest of the party, who was online on Vent, agreed with me.
Him: “I’m experience at this, I’ve done this plenty of times, don’t tell me what to carry, and what to bring, you stupid noob”.
Me: “I beg your pardon, but I myself, have done this many times without dying. You will have more experience if you actually take the time to learn from your party members, and not rely on your own brain, because eight brains is better than yours alone.”
Not long after that, did everyone raged quited on him.
Lesson of the day, do not be afraid to learn with people who would gladly learn from you.
AnmesicCat. Guild Wars Times, March 31, 2007.
Guild Wars is really fun (I played several times at my friend’s house). He was a SB Monk so I know how you feel. -_-;
Do you play nightfall? o_o or factions?
I dun get it -_-
I dun get it -_-“
I have all three campaigns. So I play all three of them, but this blog is about the elite area in Nightfall.
– AnmesicCat
I’ve never played Guild Wars (wanted to, but never got around to buying it) so I can’t comment much on that, but I do know how you feel. Back in my FFXI days, stuff like this happened all the time. People like that are just annoying, and I tend to ignore them if they don’t learn quickly. XP
Wow, I havn’t thought of GW in such a long time, my chars are dying/dead!
Well, I don’t have a want to play anyways, even if people are super nice etc. etc.