This is terrible.

Hey guys, been awhile.

Our very own ShiningWings, is in a horrible ordeal right now. How so?

Read this article.

I might not remember all the details correctly, I recieved them a 1AM on my DS. But, here’s the rundown.

Last night, I signed in to MSN on my DS browser, by dumb luck, she was signed in.

She was at her friends house, and explained the situation to me. It’s very severe.

She would like everyone to know that she will not be online for anywhere between 2 days to 2 weeks. Depending on how fast the wildfire is stopped. Yeah, everyone pray for her safety.

This is me, signing off. (Lol typed at school. I took a big risk)

9 thoughts on “This is terrible.”

  1. I pray for her safety, dear. I hope her house and situation are okay and turn for the better.


  2. D:

    And she was talking about it with some other guy around here just the other day; can’t rmb the MMOid, but whatever.

    D: I hope she’s safe!

  3. Thank you all. x)

    Me and my family are okay, which I’m supremely thankful for. We’re currently at some friend’s house, because even though our house is untouched by flame, the police are still worried about the potential risk, and also about looters. So yeah, we’re doing okay right now. But a lot of other people weren’t as fortunate, if you all would pray for them as well, I would be extremely grateful. Again, thanks a lot, you guys, the support means a lot to me. <33

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