6 Buddys o.o

Hi. I just wanted to say that today I had 6 buddys on.

Don’t think it’s crazy? Let me explain.

My average day has 2/3 out of 25 buddy’s online

6 for me is a miracle


Btw im working on New Dawn chappy 2 for those who care ._.

15 thoughts on “6 Buddys o.o”

  1. I just wanted to post a screenie. And I only use basil for trades. Also please SPACEYOURWORDS. Thank you.

  2. =.= If Anima was a girl, that would make me and him lez. >-< Stupid J-boy.

    And I care! Yay for chappie 2

  3. -.- Why is everybody surprised?! You can’t exactly share a Fireworks ring with somebody of the same gender. . .

    And NO we are not girl-play-as-guy/guy-play-as-girl >>;

  4. Hey, ’tis not my fault that I don’t know your gender when I’ve never played with you. O:

    Or read your blogs…

    Edit: I’m never gone, Shining.

  5. LOL! I stand corrected.

    To clear any misconceptions people may have (I know this isn’t the place for it, but w/e >>; ):
    1. I am not mean. I usually am very easygoing.
    2. I have a weird sense of humour. If anything I say offends you, it was all just in fun. *coughAnimayoushouldn’thavemadethatcomiccough*

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