Why won’t you understand me?pt 12

I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes.
Everyone ran inside
“Hey daddy! Hey Mommy, Hey fellow guild mat..”
“uhh, I got to go sorry” Keith said and quickly rushed off
“jeez, he’s in such a hurry”
“love! Your alright!” Daniel greeted me warmly
“um… Do I know you?” I backed away
“ofcourse! Im…your… boyfriend!” Daniel stuttered
“I don’t recall of anyone besides Keith…” I scratched my head.
Wendy was a nurse and felt my head and my blood pressure.
Her face went blank…
“Please excuse her Daniel. Everyone, we must get Keith back. He has erased Maggie’s memories! Just when I thought I had my daughter back, thank god she hasn’t forgot about us.” Wendy cried and ran to Martin for comfort.
“dear, it’s alright, we’ll get your daughter back” He gave Wendy a reassuring smile.
“what…” Daniel was totally guttered

“Maggie, let me tell you something, Daniel is your boyfriend, Keith is your enemy, he erased your memory” Wendy said slowly
“huh? I don’t remember Daniel!” I moaned
“never mind, come with us daughter, you’ll be safer and uh, Daniel, really sorry, we’ll get her memory back, hopefully…” Martin said

They set off to search to Keith AGAIN
“lalala lalala” I was in a good mood for some reason.
*sigh* the whole guild moaned
“Keith couldn’t have gone far, he’s still in victoria! I can sense him. Trust me, he only left like 10 minutes ago. Let’s split up. In teams…” Devil said

Jennifer ran off to a place called ‘over the wall’
“Devil, come with me. I think I know where Keith is…” Jennifer said
“uhh, sure” Devil followed Jennifer

Keith was surprisingly training
“CAUGHT CHA!” Jennifer shouted
“oh sh*t!” Keith sweared and tried to run for the portal but Devil luckily used holy arrow and pinned him to the wall.
Devil quickly grabbed his communicator and called the guild to come quickly.
Everyone came like it was a blink of am eye but the holy arrow started wearing off.

“AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!” Martin charged in with his guild closely behind him
“We trusted you, but we were wrong!” Wendy cried
“The fight began but Keith friend and guild came too. Not to mention Keith’s…. Uncle…”

“guild members, today, we fight for victory!” Martin shouted
“dear, be careful!” Wendy called and started to equip things to get ready for the fight.
“you too love” Martin smiled and started too.

I watched, my head started to hurt. Hurt a lot. For I had no reason why!
It was like, I had been in this situation before.
Suddenly, my mind flashed back to the times.
It reminded me of Daniel. YES, I slowly started to realised what was happening.
How Keith locked me up, how…things changed. I felt it. The flashback ended but it was too late. My father lay on the ground wounded and my mother had fainted. Daniel was left standing but with an arrow into his side.
I couldn’t hold back my tears. They came streaming down. I suddenly realised the reason they were fighting. They were fighting… they were fighting FOR me.
I glanced around shocked. Keith guild member’s were mostly gone and His Uncle had fainted
Keith left standing hurt as well.
None of them seemed like fighting, it was left to me to do the last move…
Was that flashback true?

It was up to me…All depends on me…
It was up to me…All depends on me…

12 thoughts on “Why won’t you understand me?pt 12”

  1. haha, i’ve read this story before, remember sis,w hen you were pre typing it. lol, it’s funny, I already what’s going to happen. *F3*
    nice job though

  2. Bottom line: Memory erase pills suck, technology isn’t advanced enough yet. And I wonder how blood pressure tells you whether one has had her/his memory rerased or not. But still a great story

  3. this one was pretty good, but some how, to me, short
    but i dont care
    make more make more!

  4. hey u should hav put the code for keith door to be like lord of the rings and said”mellon” haha

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