Why won’t you understand me?pt 10

As soon as I introduced my sis about this MMO tales thing, shes being writing better stories than me! >= (
Anyway, on with the story…

“stay inside the cabin! Balrog outside!” Martin ordered
Wendy put on magical guarding (magic guard) and used bless then started healing like hell
Martin raises his fire bow and arrow and teleports closer to the Balrog… Soon enough, fire arrows were aimed at the Balrog, and Martin sent out a green puff of smoke and carried on sending fire arrows. Martin started taking out his anger at the Balrog for what happened with his daughter. Leaving the Balrog no time to attack back. Soon enough the balrog lay dead before Martin and Wendy’s eyes.
“good work love” Wendy smiled weakly through her tears
Martin brushed away Wendy’s hair and whispered “our daughter will be safe, as she always has been, don’t you worry”


“Maggie, im back! Heal me quick!” Keith came back limping
“Alright, it you let me out!” I cried
“no way, just heal me!” Keith cried in pain
“urg fine!” I did as I was told and I healed him
When he was healed, he grabbed my back and pulled me in closer trying to smooch, kiss me, tilting my head up…

I quickly backed off, causing him to nearly fall on the floor
“why? I loved you, yet your heart…. Well, let ME, tell you this, Daniel is dead!” Keith said as he walked out and slammed the door in my face…
Well, let ME, tell you this, Daniel is dead!
Well, let ME, tell you this, Daniel is dead!
No way, I didn’t want to believe all this! I could not take all this… being trapped, Daniel dead? All because of me…

I closed my eyes and passed out for what seemed like a long time…

Devil was searching around
this is useless! Im going to Ludi for further looking and searching Devil thought as the ship was about to leave for Ludi, Devil quickly climbed on…

It was a quick boat ride as Devil didn’t know where to start looking first.
The Eos Tower.. Devil thought
Climbing down the ladders, killing monsters along the way,… suddenly he bumped into a guy
“Excuse me mr, I sell Eos scrolls, looks to me you might need some, 10k mesos, ” The guy dressed in a dark suit said
“sure thing, I’ll take 10, send the receipt to Frozen guild account. Thanks dude” Devil said as he left…
Devil used the scroll once and carried on walking when reaching the 8th floor, his senses told him Maggie was here…
hellooo, your not her parent, what would you know about this Devil said to himself but still…
Devil walked into the rombot territory, and found something weird, all the golems were gone!
Quick as a flash, he grabbed his communicator and called the whole guild as they were all on their way to ludibrium.
On the wall, he found a portrait and beside it says:
This MUST be where Maggie is hidden!! Devil thought proudly then suddenly heard a scream coming from inside… a terrifying scream… A scream of which sounds like the voice of Maggie’s!

A/N wooaah, big part for ya devil O____O, Im not going to give away the story but you can have a part in the story! Just pm thanks
C’mon people, a little thumbs up? Im losing to my LITTLE sister!!


15 thoughts on “Why won’t you understand me?pt 10”

  1. wow, your stories are great =) i tried to write some blogs myself but none of them turned out to be a succes =(

    Anyways, u and ur sister must be one of the best writers in MMO tales 😉 Keep writing plz, i cant wait for the next chapter to come!

    , , not bad i managed to help quite a bit in the story, thks for adding me.
    Hope I can add you to my stories if I have the chance.
    Too bad I can’t add you to my current comedy you’ll only be humiliated in the story line sry
    , still dunno whether to continue with that or not *sigh*

  3. lol, sure thing, not a problem devil ^o^
    your stories are good. DO carry on!

  4. Lol im awestricken. U said that ur sister has better progress than u rite?
    I cant believe what the msg she sent me after reading ur story said. U shouldnt b jealous or angry.

  5. Im on her account helping her type up her stories because shes got it on microsoft word and im just editing it, considering I am older. dw Im angelwitwing

  6. Phoenixcross, I’ve been trying my best, it’s not like im writing pre-school grammar. Please show some respect. Im not like my sister who actually LIKES being told this and that blah blah blah. but i take pride in my work. At least you could’ve wrote “good but, blah blah blah”


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