Why won’t you understand me? pt 14

“ummm, Crystal, you go first. I need to see someone.” I said.
“what?!?!” Crystal practically screamed.
“calm down okay?” I teleported away holding the paper in my hands. I walked towards Daniel and stuffed the paper in his face.

“Did you throw this at me, because RIGHT NOW Im very upset! How could you?! I trusted yo–
“what? Love, what are you talking about?” He cut me off
“you know very well what im talking about. I knew you had spare kumbi’s in your bad and you used it! READ the friggen paper!” I shouted. I was very angry. I saved him! And this is the thanks I get?
Daniel read the paper and gave it back to me with a frown.

“I didn’t do this” He said
“then who else did?!” I asked
“it has to be you!” I started to say
“Come with me to NINA, NOW” I said.
Daniel followed me as we walked silently to NINA. Crystal was already there. Crystal’s gorgeous pet panda fluffy was lying dead on the floor.
“oh my gosh!” I cried as tears flowed from my eyes. It had seemed to be killed by a star. Kumbi again. I stared at it. Attached was a note. I tore it away and read it:

haha, don’t know who I am? Want to know? Meet me at the pet walking place at henesy. midnight

I read it and glared at Daniel. He just looked at me confused.
Around 11pm. I packed up and starting walking out the door. I sneaked out trying not to wake up my mom or dad.
I didn’t know someone was following me.
I walked into the pet walking place and from the darkness stood out two people. Yes. Now I see them clearly. It was Keith and that girl I met earlier.
“I threw you the kumbi. Keith wanted to tell you that he hates you. Hahaha Im him new love. Shame.” The girl said.

It was all a mistake! I realised. Oh boy do I owe Daniel an apology.
“My name’s Maria dear” Maria smirked.
Then kumbi’s started aiming at me. This was all such a surprised I didn’t realise it until from behind me, steelys threw and knocked out the weak kumbis.

“Daniel!” I cried
“let’s go! She brought her f*cking boyfriend.” Maria said as Keith and Maria ran away.

“oh my gosh, do I owe you such an apology!” I cried.

“who said I was Daniel?” Then the guy took off his mask. I realised from his little mark on his left shoulder that he was one of Keith’s guild members. Then Keith, Maria and a few other new faces showed up. It was me against all of them…

oh my god… I thought…

13 thoughts on “Why won’t you understand me? pt 14”

  1. Uhhhhh, just call the police or something and THE END.
    P.S. The girl gets stalked too much, 😛

  2. cute stuff
    your post is too short, if you have nothing useful to say, don’t say it.

  3. [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c165/Cristian201/MyRevenge.jpg[/IMG]

  4. lol, Renome, i was just about to post my character, thank you for posting it FOR me. *glares*

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