Why won’t you understand me? pt 13

“Maggie, I love you…” Daniel mouthed these words. Those maybe simple words but contain a lot of meaning.
“NO! I love you! A lot more” Keith cried

“I love you too” I said
Quick as a flash, I grabbed my beautiful fairy wand mumbled a spell. I aimed holy arrows. Soon enough Keith was already on the ground.
“Maggie, im so glad you remember… You saved me!” Daniel said
“No Daniel, you saved me! It was all because of me that got you into this mess. I should be the one who’s really sorry!” I cried.
“Love, even though everything over, I still feel guilty. Keith went through all this because of me. He loved me and I was only person he would ever love. Now that I got you I feel sorry for him. Let me heal him please?” I asked

“Maggie your too kind. He tried to KILL you but if you want…” I said
I walked over to Keith and healed him quickly. I walked back to Daniel while heard him on the phone with a nurse cleric. Soon enough many clerics and priests walked in and start medical stuff.

‘papa, mamma, hope your alright” I whispered

All this time I didn’t realise a girl watching us. A girl about my age. She was behind a tree. I walked over to her.

“hello, can I help you?” I greeted her warmly
“ You killed my Fiancé!!” she shouted
“what?” I was surprised
“Keithy dear was my Fiancé. He said he would marry me if a special someone didn’t like him. That someone was YOU. “ She said hastily
“he’s not dead” I said briefly

I watch as the girl walks over to Keith. I see her drag Keith back to where I am. She takes a glance at me then walks off.

I walk back the nurse clerics and watch as Daniel get’s healed.

I decided I needed some peace and quiet. I walked around Lith Harbour and stared out at see. All of a sudden, a kumbi wizz past me and landed of the wood beside me where I stand. On there attached a piece a paper.
It read:

You are no longer my love but my enemy….haha, I probably won‘t hurt you but those around you…

I looked up trying to find the person who threw it at me.
“Maggie! YOUR ALRIGHT!” It was Crystal.
“quickly! NINA said something’s happened! Oh, it’s horrible!” Crystal cried.

12 thoughts on “Why won’t you understand me? pt 13”

  1. wow sleep i think you might be right 0__O
    because another clue is that keith is an archer
    man this is a surprising twist

  2. i’m new but i like your stories.
    i must be retarded or something but i still can’t find out whose kumbi it is
    i think i’m the only one?

  3. Omg so Keith did the same thing as Maggie did. HE FOUND ANOTHER LOVER! Except Maggie’s new lover is cooler Lol.

    stupid keith. . .

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