Why won’t you understand me? pt 11

~where Maggie is trapped~
“what the f***! you pervert get off me!” When I was awoke, I happened to see Keith above me, about to take OFF my clothes!
“urg, Maggie! You were better off asleep!” Keith said
“shut up!” I tried to get loose of him but he was stronger than me.

After 20 minutes, the guild members finally arrived. The screaming as died down. They also contacted Daniel and Crystal. Daniel hasted Crystal and himself while Crystal teleported quickly. Everyone arrived outside.
“so, what’s the code!!” Daniel shouted
“we…don’t…know” Everyone in the guild quieted down.

“who cares, my daughter’s in there, everyone, send out attacks! We’re going to bust the darn door open!” Martin shouted
Everyone got ready
There was a loud boom and the door broke into a million pieces, only to see in front of them Maggie already in the arms of Keith, trying o get free, but Keith trying to get close.
Just then, Keith gave a surprised and annoyed look while Maggie looked relieved.
“Daniel!!! You came!, Your NOT dead!” I cried as tears streamed down my eyes
“fools…” Keith shouted, then he grabbed a small knife and grabbed me. He held the sharp end of the knife beside my neck
“MOVE IT! Or else see Maggie die! ” He said
Everyone backed off but Daniel was really angry because he finally realised what Keith was trying to do to Maggie.
“that’s it!” Daniel shouted and from behind send out stars and tackled him to the ground.
Keith was shocked and surprised so he let go of Maggie because of the pain he was in.
I was about to fall down when Wendy luckily caught me.
“thank you mother… It’s nice to see you back” I smiled weakly at her while she took me back to where everyone else were.

“You dammit b**tard! I’ll pay you back for what you did to Maggie” Daniel shouted
“no way! She was mine first!” Keith said
“shut up!! She’s chosen me! So there!” Daniel said
“well then, let’s ask her who she’s chosen!” Keith protested
Soon, the to guys started walking towards me.
“who do you like better love?” Daniel asked
I slowly raised my hand to try to point at Daniel but I felt weaker and weaker but the moment I raised it between them then soon felt my body tiring up. I closed my eyes and passed out once again.

“did you not see her hand was pointing at me?” Keith replied with a smirk
“whatever, she fainted, I’d rather wait till she wakes up” Daniel said
“sure” Keith smiled
“friends?” Keith asked
“uh…” Daniel searched for words
“I guess”

Maggie was being put back down in her old house at kerning city, Keith stayed because everyone thought he’d changed for the better.
Keith secretly went into Maggie’s room while everyone was in the lounge talking and chatting.
He put him hand into his pockets and fetched out some pills. Memory erasing pills.

“forget about Daniel…” Keith whispered

forget about Daniel…
forget about Daniel…

A/N w00t! Chappie 11, cliffie cliffie = )

EDIT!!: spoilers(because my sister said it already!) Keith is not good, he’s PRETENDING to be good xP

15 thoughts on “Why won’t you understand me? pt 11”

  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!1YOU CAN”T ERase HER MEMORY just LIKE THAT!WAH!sorry. I’m just really upset about the pills

  2. The story is not bad, and I did enjoy reading it this far. However, the other characters’ assumptions that Keith will be turning good seemed too, far-fetched. He just tried to have intercourse/kill Maggie, so I doubt that one’s mind will change in a matter of moments. One can defy most limitations in a story, but beware how far you can take it before going overboard.

    Other than that and a few capitals here and there to keep it flowing, keep up the good work.

    ~Sono-Arch Cookie

  3. Wa where did Keith get the memory pill? A drug dealer from Kerning? Lol must as well buy a love pill then

  4. Probably the potion guy in Kerning gave the pills to Mr. Baka/Keith. . .

    Good story. Can’t wait for the next one.

  5. What the hell Keith belongs in a mental institute. Something’s wrong with that guy seriously. And zomg ERASE HER MEMORY?! NOOOOOOOOO so g@y! Damn Cliff Hangers lol. WRite the next one quickkk = )

  6. wow, your stories are great =) i tried to write some blogs myself but none of them turned out to be a succes =(

    Anyways, u and ur sister must be one of the best writers in MMO tales 😉 Keep writing plz, i cant wait for the next chapter to come!

  7. draconicsono said: “The story is not bad, and I did enjoy reading it this far. However, the other characters’ assumptions that Keith will be turning good seemed too, far-fetched. He just tried to have intercourse/kill Maggie, so I doubt that one’s mind will change in a matter of moments. One can defy most limitations in a story, but beware how far you can take it before going overboard.

    Other than that and a few capitals here and there to keep it flowing, keep up the good work.

    ~Sono-Arch Cookie”

    u mean he tried to rap3 her 0.o
    putting things like this into a story. . .

  8. hey all, i couldn’t be bothered logging onto my account so m writing from my sister’s account.
    Thanks all for your comments, hopefully the next chappie will be in by tommorrow but my assignment’s coming up so im so sorry for the inconvenience(bah! however u spell it!)


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