strange day? guess again!

Im getting writers block for the next few parts so i’ll write abou my strange yet not strange day.
I log onto maple Story and im at henesy training grounds (im a level 4x) Yes i love to socialize. I help friends and newbs. Alot of people may hate this but i LOVE helping newbs. Why? Because i simply want to make the game better for them.

I start training and helping a beginner who wants to be a thief. I train her then suddenly stop thinking.

“where do u go to do the job advancement?!” i thought to myself because im a magician and all i’ve been was a magician.
I quickly scroll to kernining city and i start asking people where do u go to become a thief. A nice girl helped me and i dropped 5k and said thanks. Then walked off.

As i arrived at henesy hunting grounds i start training my thief friend while i get a whisper from an unknown dude.

GUY: hey, you still need to know where to go for thiefs?
I chat invite him
… …

me: ^^;; thanks um, my friend needs to know where the thief thing is but someone already told me thanks.
guy:okay, URG, i need potions.
me: come to henesy, i’ll give you some.
guy: i’ll be there soon, thanks!

when the guy arrives
i give him 30 mana Elixers.
“woah, thanks”
Then all these newbs are here and im like “why not have some fun!”

all these shout outs. then this guy who i gave the pots to guessed it. Blue.
i give him 10k and hes soo happy. I starting throwing out ores and 1k, 1k bags
Soon to find i’ve thrown out 80k =.=

Oh well, it was nice seeing them all happy.
Then the guy i gave the potion too wants me to be his friend. Even though i got 35 spaces for friends. they were all used up. So i nicely declined and said im very sorry. He said that im very nice and he’ll always remember me.

I logged off for 5 minutes and logged back on to see the “potion” guy whispering to me again. I said hi.

After awhile trainin my lil thief/beginner friend she was all well to go and i left as well. I realised it was one of my good friend’s b-day. I used flowers petals and sprinkled all over the bad to wish my friend an early happy b-day! Also gave him lots of presents. We hung out for awhile showing off our new emotions when this “n00b” comes out from no where and goes “ugly couples” im like “??”

Im not usually mean but i hate these type of people.
I go “leave us alone, he’s my friend not my bf! freak”
random guy:”hahahhaha”
he walks off then comes back and goes “fck u b*tch”
then he walks off and comes back.
This time my friend (7x) just ignores and cc’s. I left a comment and i CCed too.
i said
“why did you come back? missed me already?”

That was a very strange day but then again every day for me is strange. And funny somewhat.
I’ll catch ya all l8rz!


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