
Alot of people create multiple accounts just to get their blogs on the front page!
I was just shocked by this.
Many people think im doing that because of map1eholic, but im here to say, map1eholic is my sister. We share a computer, where as i was about the write a story so i logged out from her account. I went to the bathroom and she came back from getting something to eat. logging onto the front page, she clicked her blog and started emailing everyone about her story.

Then she just realised it was my account.

Im just here to classify that. I admit I have given her a thumbs up on her blog which is cool.
but people create MULTIPLE accounts just to get their @ss on the front page which i dislike a heep of alot!.

~angelwitwing & map1eholic~

8 thoughts on “shocked!”

  1. 😛
    I just got a private message from “you”
    It said
    “hello, you’ve read my previous chappie and i just wrote part two, it would soo nice if you could view it and give me some ideas and give me a thumbs up = )
    thank you”

    To be honest, I haven’t fully read any of your stories, so I had no idea what “you” were talking about, and began to think you were a little crazy @_@

    But thanks for clearing that up XD

  2. lol, that was my fault fortrying to sneak on to write while it was my sis’s turn. hey look, jealousy get’s us all xD

  3. Haha I’m also sharing a computer with my brother klc130794 the one who wrote the jesusfreak spoof story. Sometimes I post on the wrong acc as well.

  4. lol, i sometimes wish mom could buy 2 computers and not just one for the whole big familly to use, >= (

  5. my mum bought 5 coms, me and my bro use one each just that sometimes we switch because this com can maple with less lag while the other has awesome graphics

  6. man i wish i had so many friends i just got a highest score of 3 thumps up *starts to cry*

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