
Okay. I want to get some things straight.
Map1eholic and I are bloody sisters. Im getting pm’s going “i bet you are creating multiple accounts just to get your fame up”
and pm’s like “Just because your sisters doesn’t mean you should show off…”

Do any of you know how hurtful it is to say those? I mean sure we both write love stories but we get different views. Me click ONE i like it button thing doesn’t change it. We both have our pro’s and con’s.

Now, about the showing off thing.

If sometimes i don’t write “oh and btw, me and map1eholic are sisters” Then some people think im either hacking into her account because sometimes i write comments on her account and sometimes she does it on mine.
This is all NORMAL.

yea, confront me then but at least have something good to back it up! Im really upset. She and I have totally different personalities and I definitely have proof.

Her thoughts of Crystalmyth is so totally different to mine. i deleted that blog but i use to have a blog “think of a new name for crystalmyth” and it was FULL of swearing and i sweared hardcore in her comments. As for my sister, Anna.

She would simply justify her choice with backup stuff. I totally understand and think about it.

If me and her go to two different houses and two different computers. LET ME TELL YOU i would stil add her to my friends list and read her stories.
She may be a pain in the butt sometimes but shes still my sister OKAY?

Now, about the “angelwitwing, stop writing, you stink like sh*t”
okay so 1 person said that to me. Im just going to briefly say that if you (that person) thinks my work is sh*t then don’t read it. simple.

Now, A million things is running through my head. Anyone like to add anything or questions they want to ask? Let me just stop te rumour and i WILL tell the truth.


11 thoughts on “rumours.”

  1. Feh, I understand what you mean. . I mean, Ryeu and I are sisters too, but unfortunately, she lives in the same house as me, so she hits me if I say something rude about her. <333

    However, if people tell you that you stink without any reason, just ignore them. Without a valid reason to criticize, the criticism is non-existent, right? But if they say you suck with an actual decent critique with what they think is wrong, then by all means, take into account what they say, think about it.

    Bah, I’m just confusing myself. But good luck, I guess that all comes with all the drama and glory of being an MMOTales writer, ne?


  2. It’s not what one person thinks, it’s what everyone thinks. If at least one person likes it then it’s worth writing up, if you enjoy writing then that’s even better.

  3. ^-^ I like people who stick up for what they believe in. Major props for bringing justice to your name.

    And yeah! You know that a lot of people like you, so why are ya worried ’bout one lil person, eh? >:D

  4. *sigh* there are so many rumours around here T.T and btw GTA is also Flamez, cheifbandit, abcdef, crystalmyth, and crystalmeth (and this isnt a rumour, its true)

    now. . .

    WHO ON EARTH CAN SAY YOU SUCK?!?!?!?!?!?! -_- *cough* just had to get that out.

  5. awww u poor ting u musyt be hurt bout all tiws rumors its not me who spread them!

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