Weird 1 hour

Wow, I haven’t blogged about my Maple day since, forever. So here I am =D Don’t look at the pics until I tell you to 0.0 And forgive my horrible editing…

Well my day started off training at Master Chronos hunting for stuff. Then all of a sudden something black pops out of a monster. And all I could think of were “TOBIS TOBIS TOBIS!” and I was right. SEE FIRST PIC

I was partying in the chat box and made a couple of laughs because my luck is poop. Then all of a sudden this guy pops out of no where and starts yelling at me to cc.SEE SECOND PIC He starts using caps and yelling this stuff at me and I tell him that I was here for 10 mins scouting the whole map and I didn’t see him. Then he starts yelling that he was here first for some weird hours or something. I couldn’t understand what he was saying.

And then, a chronos comes out and touches him. You might think oh wow, whatever, but this time… He didn’t get knocked back or anything. SEE THIRD PIC Then he goes off and starts killing things and I follow him. All the money was in 1 toy block and when he stepped on it the all the loot came to him at once. AKA auto loot. SEE FOURTH PIC It was a really, really, weird 1 hour -.-

10 thoughts on “Weird 1 hour”

  1. in the 4th pic, i don’t see him auto looting, but anyway he looks like he is hacking. Sweet day though. I just found tobis at DSG on tzxxxninja if you wanted to know

  2. its not autoloot, its called “super tubi” and this allows you to pick up all the items in a pile.
    Normal tubi allows you to pick up items up 3x faster.

  3. Oh, ok then. He wasn’t auto looting then, but he still picked them up in an abnormal way. Oh and I couldn’t catch a ss of him picking the stuff up because it was too fast.

  4. Snow said: “its not autoloot, its called “super tubi” and this allows you to pick up all the items in a pile.
    Normal tubi allows you to pick up items up 3x faster.”

    It’s still a tool not allowed in Maple anyways -.-. Gj anbu btw.

  5. Nice capture Anbu! Lol. And congratulations on getting tobis~ The rarest star I got, is a set of icicles. – –

    Oh, and let’s train next time, k? ^^


  6. T_T rarest star I got were some kumbis. And then I found out that they’re actually going the OPPOSITE way from inflation. WTH.

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