
Can anyone give me some motivation for a lvl 43 cleric? Or maybe just everyone for help. I really need it-_- im kind of getting bored.

PS: For thosee of you who read my stories. I have an idea for it. ^_^ yay i got out of writers block. I just have to find some time now. o_0

5 thoughts on “Motivtion”

  1. well my friend lvled his cleric very quickly and can make a mil a day just in money drops. he said you start making good money around lvl 47ish, is that good motivation?

  2. That is a way to look at movitating youself. Though, I made the same amount of money at level 43 with my hidden kung-fu build o_O; ANYWHO, <_< I’m a LUK Cleric, Pretty much intless BUT, I can do nearly as much damage as a person only 2 levels below me. 😛 I might just switch him to INT as time goes on X_X My luk = 106 <_<

  3. Lolz, clerics are probably the fastest, cheapest levelers of all, and, yea like itsjustthen said, i make around a mil every day O.o

  4. Just think of how many people will want to party you when you become priest

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