Maple Academy 202

Hey I’m glad you liked the session 101. I’m going to be busy tomorrow so I released this one early.

WHAT I CAN’T BELIEVE MY EYES! I stood in the middle of the hallway looking at my classes. Since I was a Assassin, my schedule looked something like this…

PS: Be sure to hit ” I enjoyed it” if you did enjoy it.
Period 1: Accuracy Class
Period 2: Maple History
1 Hour Break
Period 3: Stealth/ Quickness class
Period 4: Sparring
40 Minute Break
Period 5: Accuracy Class
10 Minute Break
Period 6: Homework Class

I looked at the bottom of the Paper.

Grades will determined by this:
Above Average
Plain Work

I was pretty shocked about my classes and how they graded us. But I just shrugged and raced to find Dan. I guess I wasn’t paying much attention because I ran into somebody in the corner. BOOM and I was down. I tried to get up, but I kept rubbing my head instead. When I gained my eyesight back, there was a hand in front of me. I grabbed it and got up. I expected it to be a boy, but when I looked up, it was a girl. She had the cutest smile and the most beautiful eyes. Her hair was long and black and she had the softest hands.
“Oh sorry! I guess I didn’t watch where I was going” She said. I would’ve said something like “You better watch where your going” or “Watch your step!” But in this case my mouth blurted
“Oh, no it was my fault, I was running to quickly.” She smiled at me and said that her name was Jenny.
“Hey I got to get going, but I’ll see you around ok?” she smiled.
“Yeah, sure, ummm, I’ll see you too!” I stuttered. Man I’m such an idiot. She just said the same thing as you did! She left and I just gazed at her. I realized how much time I had talked to her and scrambled to meet Dan. Luckily he was right outside the door, so I could tell him everything. We exchanged schedules and this is what he had.

Period 1: Accuracy Class
Period 2: Agility Class

1 Hour Break
Period 3: Maple History class
Period 4: Sparring
40 Minute Break
Period 5: Accuracy Class
10 Minute Break
Period 6: Homework Class

Phew, his classes weren’t as different as mine. We had four classes together. The bell rang and we raced to our First class.

Accuracy was a breeze. I always hit the target with my stars and Dan always got a bull’s eye on his target. We were the head of the class and I could tell the teacher favored us. We finished the targets early so we got to work on our homework. He gave us a small sack.
“They have a variety of monsters in the sack. If you open it they will come out” the teacher said. I opened mine first. There were two ticks and a couple of Jr. Wraiths. I took out the Jr wraiths easy with my lucky seven skill. But the ticks had a bit of defense and lots of life. The teacher said he made them that way so the homework wouldn’t be too easy. The ticks had one more surprise. They were pretty fast. One rushed at me and pushed me down. While the other one came from the side. I threw a star at one but I didn’t do much damage. They both rushed at me again, but this time I jumped and they hit each other. They both got stunned and I took this time to defeat them. I threw lucky sevens at them and they died. I huffed and leaned over on a chair. The teacher laughed and gave me a M. I smiled and look at Dan. He al ready took out the Ticks and it was only a matter of time when he took out the Jr Wraiths too. I stared at amazement and he grinned. It looked like I have a bit of competition now.

6 thoughts on “Maple Academy 202”

  1. There’s so many stories on this site, and I have never seen one even close to this. Great job! Keep up the awesome work!

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