Anbu back on Maple

Before I start this blog, I’d like to apologize because it will probably short. I tend to right short blogs. Another thing is that I don’t have screenshots of anything so this blog will be that much more boring.

OKAY! Let’s get this blog written!

So some of you might know that my old computer was being dumb and it wouldn’t let me play MapleStory. That’s why I wasn’t on this site very much. I waited, erm, 6 months for a new computer. Finally, my brother gets a new laptop and gives us his computer.

Right away, I download MapleStory. 

1.Korean Folk Town

So I come to KFT and the first thing I notice is that it’s old fashioned Korea and not the Technological I always thought Korea would be. Regardless I get started with the quests.

Chil Sung/Chil Nam quest- Pain with arse… Even if you just walk back and forth, it was still very tedious

Tree Cutter’s axe- Worst quest ever… I got 10+ Chil Sung’s axe.

Overall, it was alright, except I stayed their longer than I imagined because of those quests. Most of them I didn’t finish like the one with the Steel Hoe form the Blins.


Amoria, what a great place! I did the quest for free hair. When I got the coupon I freaked out if I wanted to do it or not. I could get great hair, or end up bald. So I put on my bandana and I did it. A little piece of golden hair stuck out of my bandana. I took it off and it was the Antagonist haircut.

3.Mushroom Shrine

Not much to say here but that one quest.

Fox Tail quest- Get your numbers right lady! Tell me to get all of them at once. -.-

4.Other random adventures

Once coming back Orbis on the boat to Ellinia, I hear a girl saying 1mill for me on webcam. I think, “Oh no not another one” She keeps yelling that for a while. Then I get off the boat and walk around Ellinia. I bump into her again while she’s talking to another guy. Guess what the guy says! “I’ll give you 1 mill to see you nude.” -.- I mean, wow…

Again this one was when I was getting off the boat to Ellinia. Whispers out of nowhere, “WOAH YOU’RE THE GUY FROM MMOTales.” I pretend I’m not, but fail considering my MMOtales account is the same name as my character. So we chat for a bit, but I leave to train at wraiths. So if you’re reading this and you are the guy. HI!

With all the married couples and their rings with the bells on them, I get tempted and always dance under them with Magic guard. Sometimes if they are far enough I press the down key and pretend to be their child. They always reply with f6.

The last thing is, which is the greatest thing in my opinion is that there are hardly any HACKERS. WOOT! I always sort of despised them for taking my wraith training spot. But it’s okay now.

Well, that’s it for now. If you play on Broa look for me! AnbuNinja04 – 53Cleric.


(Not really asking that question. Don’t answer it please. Haha.)

8 thoughts on “Anbu back on Maple”

  1. ScruffyJ said: “HAHA im that guy who said the “you’re the guy from mmotales!” sup anbu”

    you’re the guy from Futurama!

    (Scruffy the Janitor)

  2. MasterCheeze said: “

    ScruffyJ said: “HAHA im that guy who said the “you’re the guy from mmotales!” sup anbu”

    you’re the guy from Futurama!

    (Scruffy the Janitor)”

    Yup, that be me

  3. Daniel, I’m going to tell Matt and Jeff on you! Stop posting on MMOtales without talking about our awesome guild :[. TALK ABOUT IT OR I’LL DEFAMEZOR! -Dave-

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